Festival start: 03 November 2023
Festival end: 05 November 2023
For its second edition, the Humour en court festival offers 3 days of festival combining short film competition, show and ceremony with great pomp. With, of course, humor in all its forms as the only watchword
The prizes will be awarded (all categories combined) to the award-winning films. The jury's decisions are final.
Jury Prize
Audience award
Script Award
Best Actor Award
Best Actress Award
Soundtrack Award
Other special prizes only entitled to our recognition may be awarded:
“Off-screen” prize: Prize for the profession that is never rewarded and yet without it the film would be much less good
Prize "mdr": Prize for the best replica
“Watch out, look, it’s going to be mine” award: Award for best extra
Prize "You had to stay until the end": Prize for the best credits
The prizes will be awarded during the Closing Ceremony on Sunday August 28, 2022.
“Humour en court” FESTIVAL RULES
• ARTICLE 1 Dates and places
The “Humour en court” festival, organized by the Théâtre des Zygomatiques, will be held in Pontarlier (25), at the Bernard Blier theater.
• ARTICLE 2 Conditions of admission
The festival is open to short films, whether fiction, documentary or animation, made after January 1st, 2022. The duration of a film must not exceed 30 minutes. Films must be comedies.
Films must be subtitled in French for the sake of accessibility.
• ARTICLE 3 Accepted countries
No country or language restrictions are applied. However, if the film is not in French, it must be subtitled at the time of registration. A film without subtitles cannot be selected.
• ARTICLE 4 Programming
The different competition categories will be communicated when the selections are announced, since they depend on the films received. The organizing committee reserves the right to create only one category.
• ARTICLE 5 registration of films
Registration for the festival is done either via the festhome.com platform or by email, indicating the director's first and last name, the title of the film, its year of production, a summary and any other information that the participant deems appropriate to provide.
The receipt of films, their registration form and payment will be from February 1st, 2023 and will end on May 1 st, 2023. Beyond this date (postmark as proof), the films received will not be accepted. more viewed.
• ARTICLE 6 selection
The selection will take place on digital media by email: td.zygomatiques@hotmail.com (wetransfert…) or Viméo link (unless registration via shortfilmdepot.com). It is possible for a director to present several films, however only one will be retained.
The rights holders will be informed of the decisions of the selection committee, by email, 2023, in the absence of news they may consider that the film is not selected.
• ARTICLE 7 Screening copy
Projection media accepted for the festival: DCP. Digital files are accepted. They must be sent by email to td.zygomatiques@hotmail.com or by USB key.
The festival must acknowledge receipt of the projection media by October 1, 2023 at the latest.
Copies should be sent to the following address:
• ARTICLE 8 Distribution of films
Any director or producer who has entered a film will be held responsible for making a copy of the film available free of charge in the event of selection, all competitions combined). No withdrawal of film after announcement of its selection will be accepted. Directors may be invited to present their film.
• ARTICLE 9 transport and insurance
Any sending of selected films is the responsibility of the rights holder. The return of copies can be done on request.
• ARTICLE 10 Jury
The professional jury will be made up of film and show business professionals. The jury awarding the public prize will be made up of spectators whose vote will be counted in a secret ballot at the end of the screenings. The composition of the jury will be communicated before the festival on the festival website.
• ARTICLE 11 Price
The prizes will be awarded (all categories combined) to the award-winning films. The jury's decisions are final.
Jury Prize
Audience award
Script Award
Best Actor Award
Best Actress Award
Soundtrack Award
Other special prizes only entitled to our recognition may be awarded:
“Off-screen” prize: Prize for the profession that is never rewarded and yet without it the film would be much less good
Prize "mdr": Prize for the best replica
“Watch out, look, it’s going to be mine” award: Award for best extra
Prize "You had to stay until the end": Prize for the best credits
The prizes will be awarded during the Closing Ceremony on November 5, 2023.
• ARTICLE 12 Presence of directors.
If the presence of the director or one or more members of the team is welcome, the festival cannot currently cover travel and accommodation costs, this presence is not compulsory.
However, the organizing committee will help you organize your visit.
• ARTICLE 13 communication and press
In case of selection, the festival reserves the right to present an extract to local, national and international television, not exceeding 10% of the total duration of the work. The festival also reserves the right to use excerpts from the film for its official trailer. In addition, photographs of the films may be used for promotional purposes (written press, Internet).
• 14 copyrights
The application for registration for participation in the he 1st edition of the “A court d’humour” Festival implies acceptance of these conditions. In addition, it is up to the directors to comply with Sacem regulations.
• 15 Derogation and litigation
The organizing committee is the only one authorized to settle the points not provided for in the rules and to grant exemptions. Participation in the festival implies unconditional acceptance of the terms of these rules. Any dispute relating to its application and interpretation will be submitted to the competent courts of Besançon, the applicable law being French law.
• 16 Cancellation
The organizing committee reserves the right to modify, cancel or postpone the dates of the festival.
• 17 Contact
For all information, the organizing committee can be reached at the following email address: td.zygomatiques@hotmail.com