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he ABCGuionistas Short Screenplay International Contest opens its eighth edition with the collaboration of Altamedia Studios, Instituto del Cine Madrid (Madrid Film Institute), in addition to the brands Marca de Autor and Un Verano de Guion.
The contest has the purpose of promoting the creation of short screenplays in Spanish and the visibility of their authors. It is opened for novel and professional screenwriters of any country seeking to show their storytelling talent, winning exposure and getting rewarded for writing.
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VIII International Competition Short Film Script Abcscriptwriters
Dialogue meeting around construction and production for first and foremost projects
second films in the fiction genre, which are in the development stage.
Introduction workshop to free creation (short films, feature films, episodic series, u
others) of the documentary genre aimed mainly at the audiovisual sector of the regions
of Ñuble, Maule and Biobío.
Experimentation workshop for the development of New Media projects.
The objective is for the participating artists to find solutions and improvements.
technological for the development of their projects, analyze the possibilities within the
market they face and test prototypes of their works before groups of people, to
draw results and conclusions that help improve the user experience.
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Industry Meeting and XR experiences in Ñuble
Within the framework of the 11th Antofagasta/Chile International Film Festival, ANTOFACINE, the third edition of AntofaLAB, a project laboratory whose objective is to promote productions made in the northern zone of Chile (Antofagasta, Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Atacama, Coquimbo), and in the bordering countries of northern Chile (Peru, Bolivia and Argentina).
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We promote national and international audiovisual creators in the realization of their projects. It is an experience that is developed with laboratories, meetings and dialogues, within the framework of our eight sections: Script Consulting, BioBioLab, SeriesLab, Documentary Internship, CorteFinalLab, Emerging Animation, Lab Distribution and Business Tables. Those selected will receive mentoring and advice from experts with recognized international experience in the industry.
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The BFM is the only market in Latin America dedicated to short films, which is developed within the framework of the Bogotá Short Film Festival / Festival de Cortos de Bogotá - BOGOSHORTS and seeks to strengthen the different actors in the audiovisual sector whose special interest is content in formats short, through creation, training and networking strategies; becoming a window for the positioning of this content in the Colombian and Ibero-American industry and promoting the construction of networks that encourage the production and distribution of short films and short formats in general.
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