Festival start: 01 October 2024
Festival end: 02 October 2024
CORTES is a festival of audiovisual shorts with a specific theme: the LGBTTQI+ universe. From new perspectives, it seeks to generate a space for the dissemination of Argentine and Ibero-American achievements, promoting the visibility of dissident bodies, identities and sexualities.
1st Prize for first place: 1 winning short film referred to as the best will be chosen
short film.
The person whose work is the winner will be awarded the only prize.
Which consists of: post production service at LAHAYE MEDIA in the aforementioned terms,
namely: 4K image finishing, 4K online shaping, use of color correction room, final rolling, DCP mastering of a piece up to 25 minutes long.
They will not be Included in the prize are the colorist's fees, which will be borne by the interested party.
The works that receive mentions will be awarded a diploma.
2nd Prize for 2nd place. The winning short film will be awarded 2 days of mixing
sound for the next short film.
CORTES is a festival of audiovisual shorts that explores the LGBTTQI+ universe. It seeks to disseminate Argentine and Ibero-American achievements, making visible dissident themes, bodies, identities and sexualities that provide new exchanges, reflections and perspectives.
The 5th edition will be held on Tuesday, October 1 and Wednesday, October 2, 2024, showing up to 12 short films of a maximum of 15 minutes each. Which will be selected by the Cortes V curatorial team.
The jury is made up of personalities from the audiovisual scene and LGTTBQI+ identities who will select three finalists to define which of them will be the short film that will win the first prize and which will win the second prize.
1) Objectives and thematic focus:
● Generate a new screen for the dissemination of national and Latin American short films.
● Promote the meeting between the filmmakers and the audience.
● Invite people to enjoy works outside the commercial circuit.
● Make visible and problematize issues of vulnerable groups.
● Provide opportunities for promotion, visibility and exchange of the work of emerging filmmakers.
2) Eligibility of the material: Regarding its content, the works to be competed must narrate stories related to the world of the people who make up the LGTTBQI+ collective, their journeys, their struggles, claims and experiences. They can be fictional, experimental, animated and/or documentary in nature. The works entered in the contest may or may not be unpublished. Works will be accepted in all languages, as long as they have Spanish subtitles at the time of the competition and have the necessary quality to be projected on current media.
3) Presentation of the material: Works that offend the integrity of people, institutions or ethnic groups, that are discriminatory or violate ethical codes and social conveniences, or that contain scenes of explicit violence will not be accepted. Natural persons (students from tertiary and/or university courses as well as independent filmmakers) and/or legal entities may participate in the competition. Participants must be over 18 years old.
4) Registration: Registration is free. Multiple registrations will be accepted for the same participant, as long as they are made individually for each work presented. To register, participants must:
a) Complete the online registration form, exclusively through the following
b) Send the audiovisual material under the conditions described in point 5. Registrations that are not entered in this way will not be accepted. There you can complete the registration form with all your personal information and the complete technical sheet of the work, which must necessarily include: link to view the material, title of the work, duration, synopsis of up to 200 words and other technical data that appear in the form. The organizing team will not be responsible for errors or losses in presentations or in the reception of information sent by the participant. The participant knows and accepts that by registering and sending the audiovisual material as detailed in points 1 and 2 implies total acceptance of the purpose, bases and conditions of the contest; as well as the modifications that the Organizer may make, as well as the decisions that may be adopted on any matter not provided for in these bases and conditions. Lack of compliance or lack of the requirements demanded in these bases will void participation. Therefore, works that do not contain any of the complete data and/or requirements detailed here will be excluded from this call.
5) Presentation of the material: The people responsible for the works that are preselected will be contacted to send:
a) Link with at least one photo or poster of the work, b) Link and password for the projection material: b1) Codec: H264
b2) Container: mov or mp4
c) Bit rate: minimum 20 Mbit/s Constant bit rate or higher
c3) Format: FULL HD 1080 50i or 1080 25p or 1080 60i or 1080 30p a
6) Juries and selection process: The jury for each of the competitions will be made up of at least 3 (three) personalities with outstanding careers in the audiovisual industry or prominent experts on the festival's theme.
All registration, pre-selection and winner selection processes will be supervised by Cultural Morán. The process of choosing the winning work will have three rounds:
1) Preselection.
2) Selection of finalists. 3) Final election.
7) Selection and award criteria: Cortes V edition will have 1 first prize and 1 second prize and the mentions that the jury considers. The jury will carry out the selection process taking into account content, treatment and realization. The jury's decision will be final. The incentive awards will be announced by the organizing team promptly on the date of the last screening and final stage of the festival.
1st Prize for first place: 1 winning short film will be chosen as the best short film. The person whose work is the winner will be awarded the only prize that consists of: post-production service at LAHAYE MEDIA in the aforementioned terms, namely: 4K image finishing, 4K online formatting, use of a color correction room, rolling final, DCP mastering of a piece up to 25 minutes long. The colorist's fees will not be included in the prize, which will be borne by the interested party. The works that receive mentions will be awarded a diploma.
2nd Prize for 2nd place. The winning short film will receive 2 days of sound mixing for the next short film.
8) Right of use and responsibility. All participants guarantee at the time of registering for the contest that they are owners of the copyright of the works they are presenting, without violating the rights of third parties. At the time of registering for the contest, participants, whether natural or legal persons, will automatically authorize the Organizer and its sponsors to use, by right, expressly, definitively, irrevocably and without any encumbrance, the use of the name, image and voice, in photos, files and/or digital media, as well as posters, films and/or spots, jingles and/or vignettes, in any type of media and/or promotional pieces, including television, radio, newspapers, posters, mailings, for the wide dissemination of this contest and its subsequent editions. Likewise, at the time of registration, the participant guarantees that the material or materials presented in the contest are free of all claims from authors, actors, performers, management companies, unions and from all liens, restrictions, inhibitions or any other impediment or limitation for its distribution, reproduction, commercialization and/or exhibition, without limitation in time or number of passes or territorial limitation. By virtue of the foregoing, the participant will be responsible and must assume all costs and expenses of the defense of any judicial or extrajudicial claim against the Organizer based on the claim that the commercialization, distribution, reproduction, use and/or disposal of the programs or part thereof, in the state in which it has been delivered by the participant, is contrary to the contracts, authorizations, commercial, professional and/or labor agreements that the participant has obtained for the realization of the same, The participant must assume all expenses, costs and costs in the event of a court ruling that the Organizer is responsible for such matters. The participant will be responsible for the content and form of each of the pieces presented in the contest, guaranteeing that they do not violate the right to privacy, intimacy or any other rule imposed by the corresponding control authorities, with the participant assuming full responsibility. responsibility for any damages that may result from its use and exhibition and is obliged to hold the Organizer harmless for any claim that may arise hereunder.
9) Transfer of exhibition rights to short films. All selected participants declare that they are holders of the exhibition rights and transfer to the Organizer the exhibition rights of the Work during the course of the CORTES V Festival to be held during the month of October 2024.
The programming grid, as well as the designation of the rooms, and/or exhibition will be determined by the Organizer, at its sole discretion. DISSEMINATION WINDOW: The selected works, finalists and the winning short film may be exhibited by the Organizer from the end of the festival until May 2025, as well as programmed in future editions of the CORTES Festival.
10) Applicable legislation and jurisdiction. This regulation will be interpreted and applied in accordance with Argentine legislation. In the event of litigation, discrepancy, issue or claim resulting from the execution or interpretation of this document or related to the regulations, directly or indirectly, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Argentine Republic, in particular, to the Ordinary Courts of the Federal Capital of the Argentine Republic, expressly waiving any other laws and courts that may be applicable by virtue of their present or future domiciles.
11) Acceptance of bases and conditions. The sole participation in the contest implies full acceptance of these bases and conditions. The Organizers of the contest reserve the right to modify the deadlines and dates established in the present bases and conditions, as well as the nature of the prizes and their delivery.