Festival start: 15 September 2024
Festival end: 30 September 2024
ENTRETODOS 17 - Is a free entrance Festival dedicated to the exhibition and award of short films, with up to 25 minutes, of all genres and formats, that addresses issues related to Human Rights.
The Festival takes place in São Paulo. Produced by Prefeitura de São Paulo, Spcine and ESTATE Produções.
ENTRETODOS Festival team.
Cash Prizes: 5,100$
Only those who fulfill all the requirements of these Rules and Regulations, as well as deliver the documents and information requested by the ENTRETODOS organization within the deadlines, will be entitled to awards, in addition to there being no legal and/or tax impediments under their responsibility.
The Festival has the following programmes that will be formed according to the curatorship:
- FILMS FOR KIDS' SHOWCASE: The Films for Kids' Showcase has children as its target audience and the movies are free for all ages. The Special Jury of this showcase (to be announced) will choose a film as the winner, which will be awarded a cash prize of R$ 3,000.00 (Three thousand reais – Brazilian currency) - in addition to a trophy and certificate. The jury is allowed to choose up to two films, in which case the cash prize will be split equally and each winner will receive a trophy.
- YOUTH SHOWCASE: The Youth Showcase is aimed at teenagers and the parental rating of the movies fluctuates around 14 (fourteen) years old. The Special Jury of this showcase (to be announced) will choose a film as the winner, which will be awarded a cash prize of R$ 3,000.00 (Three thousand reais – Brazilian currency) - in addition to a trophy and certificate. The jury is allowed to choose up to two films, in which case the cash prize will be split equally and each winner will receive a trophy.
- MAIN COMPETITION SHOWCASE: The Main Competition Showcase has up to 6 (six) categories and the parental ratings are varied, but always indicated for each film. There are two types of awards for the Main Competition Showcase, and all short films selected for one of these categories compete in two modalities: (I) The Official Jury (to be announced) will choose a film in each one of the 6 (six) thematic categories, each receiving a cash prize of R$ 3,000.00 (Three thousand reais – Brazilian currency); and (II) 1 (one) short film chosen amongst all categories by the Popular Jury, through voting at the Festival's screenings and website, that will receive a cash prize of R$ 6,000.00 (Six thousand reais – Brazilian currency). The films can be awarded by both Juries - Official and Popular - simultaneously and will receive, in addition to the aforementioned values, trophies and corresponding certificates. The Official Jury is allowed to choose up to two films in the same category, in which case the cash prize will be split equally and each winner will receive a trophy.
The selected films for this edition of Entretodos will be made available for the entire duration of the festival on the website www.entretodos.com.br and/or in the Entretodos Streaming Platform (https://acervo.entretodos.com.br/), or even in another specialized streaming platform that will host the festival.
Other types of showcases or awards may be added to the aforementioned and communicated to the selected films’ representatives for their knowledge and agreement.
Due to the atypical situations the value of the cash prizes, the dates of the festival, as well as the required counterparts and types of screenings may undergo unilateral changes resulting from government actions and/or from partner institutions - supporters and sponsors - in which case, will be properly announced to the participants.
The value of the prizes will be deducted from taxes, according to the Brazilian legislation in force and will be paid upon presentation of an invoice from a company linked to the filmmakers or another legally equivalent document held by the filmmakers.
If the audiovisual production is the responsibility of a group of people, the prize will be unique, and it will be up to this same group to decide on its ownership or the division of the prize.
If foreign participants do not reside in the country or are not present at the time of the award ceremony, they must appoint a representative residing in Brazil, upon presentation of a letter of attorney that, if written in a foreign language, must be accompanied by a translation to Portuguese, so that said representative may receive the payment of a cash prize in case of an eventual award.
ENTRETODOS - Human Rights Short Film Festival opens enrollment
for its 17th edition, to be held in September 2024.
Our proposal is to promote a culture of Human Rights using the audiovisual language, seeking to give visibility to nationally and internationally produced short films that are capable of sensitizing and provoking debates around social, racial and identity issues in a playful, poetic and participatory manner.
Entretodos is a free festival in its exhibitions and activities and its mission is to disseminate Human Rights and Citizenship in public education networks, communities, prison units, as well as other educational and cultural spaces.
Enrollments, carried out in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, go from March 1st to April 30th, 2024, at 11:59 pm, with the possibility of an extension of that deadline if Entretodos sees fit. Entries are free of charge if made directly through the ENTRETODOS Festival website https://www.entretodos.com.br.
Entries made through the FESTHOME (https://festhome.com/) platform may require payment of registration fees, subject to their conditions.
Films up to 25 minutes in length, Brazilian or foreign, in the genres of fiction, documentary, animation and/or experimental, made on any date, and related to the themes of Human Rights and Citizenship, can be enrolled in any format, preferably in high definition.
Complying with these Rules and Regulations is a requirement for enrollment and participation, under the risk of being eliminated and declassified in pre-selection the films that do not do so, as well as the following requirements:
- The enrollment of a short film must be done exclusively by a person over 18 (eighteen) years old;
- Enrollment is forbidden to anyone engaged in the production or organization of the Festival;
- The film’s enrollment must be unprecedented at this Festival, and short films that have already participated or won prizes in previous editions cannot compete;
- If the film is selected, in order to provide quick accessibility for curators and jurors, a clean screening file (without burnt-in subtitles) must be provided, along with separate subtitles (preferably in Portuguese), in .srt format or dialogue list with respective timecodes.
The filmmaker, producer and/or director is responsible for any possible damages caused to the Festival or to third parties, as well as for all copyrights linked to the short film enrolled, including the copyright to the soundtrack.
Furthermore, if there is an infringement of third party property rights in relation to the short film, ENTRETODOS may, at its sole discretion, declassify the film, its director and/or producer.
The sender of each short film will be responsible for any expenses related to the sending of all the materials required for the screening. The Festival organization is not responsible for losses, damages, taxes or any other penalties and expenses resulting from non-compliance with these Regulations and applicable legislation.
The material sent by mail must contain proof of Sedex or Registered Mailing and be addressed to:
Spcine - Empresa de Cinema e Audiovisual de São Paulo S.A.
Rua Libero Badaró, 293 - 22º andar - cj.22B
Centro - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
CEP: 01009-907
The deadline for posting is the closing date of enrollments, and a film will only be considered effectively enrolled upon presentation of proof of mailing, as previously established in these Rules and Regulations.
The short films enrolled will become part of the permanent collection of videos and digital copies of the ENTRETODOS Festival, becoming available to be screened at events that aim to publicize the Festival, as well as thematic film clubs, training of public servants, training of educators, online streaming on the Festival website, SpcinePlay (Entretodos partner’s streaming platform), television and digital programs linked to the Festival, itinerant screenings, consultation in public and private libraries, consultation by curators of other festivals, exhibitions for cultural, educational purposes, public debates, free exhibitions, training workshops, always free of charge, solely for non-commercial purposes and in activities related to the Festival.
Screenings may be of the film in its entirety or just parts of it, with the possibility of the movie being edited for the composition of vignettes or promotional actions, among others, as well as other types of screenings that can occur within educational activities, as long as they’re related to ENTRETODOS, and must be communicated to the director and/or producer responsible for the enrollment.
The Festival's partnership with Spcine presupposes that the enrolled films and those responsible for them: (I) agree to participate in a podcast recording about the event for dissemination on the social networks of the São Paulo City Hall - Spcine; (II) participate in short recordings, promoting and inviting the public to Spcine programming at the Festival; and (III) participate in SpcinePlay's on demand platform for a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days.
In the case your film is to be screened at SpcinePlay's on demand platform, it will be required to forward to the festival’s organization, in addition to other materials, the following:
Vertical poster (2000x3000 pixels), in .psd, .ai or .id format
Horizontal poster (1920x1080 pixels), in .psd, .ai or .id format
Said posters, to be used solely for SpcinePlay's on demand platform, cannot contain any information related to cast, crew, release date, billing block or festival’s laurels, and the title of the film needs to be placed inside of the "Safe Area" specified on the Orientation Guide of Images, a document that will be shared, along with templates, with the filmmakers of the shorts that are to be screened at the platform.
Directors and/or producers who wish their films not to be part of the Festival's collection must inform the Curatorship, within up to 05 (five) days after the closing of the Festival's enrollment dates, via e-mail: contato@entretodos.com.br. Silence will be understood as tacit agreement to integrate the collection, with all the conditions above applied.