Festival start: 28 August 2024
Festival end: 01 September 2024
Submit your production for free in any of our categories.
Open submissions from May 27 to July 31, 2024 on Festhome, Click for festivals.You can also send your application to the email: fickuntakinte@gmail.co
The Eighth Kunta Kinte International Afro Community Film Festival, which will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2024, will focus on the theme of "AFRO DIASPORA". Remember that each production will be reviewed by our curatorial team; you have until July 31, 2024 to register.
We invite filmmakers to submit their films, documentaries, and short films that address aspects of the African diaspora, such as the history of slavery, global African descendant culture, the fight for civil rights, migration experiences, and the influence of African heritage on different cultural expressions. Through cinema, we seek to rescue and value the stories of resistance, resilience, and creativity that have defined the African descendant experience.
Check the terms and conditions here:
Our 8th FICCA Kunta Kinte will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2024, offering five days of Afro cinema and audiovisual content in person and free of charge. The program will be diverse, covering all ages and themes, with the aim of bringing audiovisual culture with identity to the entire population. The festival will include digital tools and strengthen cultural and academic offerings, primarily for the Afro-descendant population of Colombia. By innovating and bringing digital technology to the audience, the event will foster interaction between Afro-descendant filmmakers, photographers, producers, and artists with the public. Our festival adheres to the policy and philosophy of exhibiting, promoting, and cultivating the cinematic and audiovisual work of Afro-descendant filmmakers, directors, and producers.
The 8th FICCA Kunta Kinte, which has been conceived and built to be held during the first week of September, will address the theme "AFRO DIASPORA." It is essential to inform participating productions that the festival format will include exhibitions, discussions, and training activities, all in person.
Additionally, the festival will ensure the freedom of screening, allowing for wide dissemination and visibility of the works presented
1. The screening of short films, feature films, and movies can be viewed in person at various venues in the city of Medellín and other locations in Colombia if applicable.
2. The availability of the film will be limited to the days of the festival, at times planned and scheduled by the festival's production and coordination team.
3. The registration of productions in any category is free of charge.
4. Nationality of the works: Colombian and foreign works, as well as co-productions, may be registered for the official selection. There will be no limit on the number of productions registered per country.
5. Selection of national Afro cinema: All productions with Afro, Black, Palenquera, and Raizal themes produced and directed within Colombian territory are invited to participate in the national selection.
6. Productions made from January 1, 2020, until the closing date of this call for entries will be accepted.
In line with one of the objectives of the 8th FICCA Kunta Kinte, which is the work of memory and audiovisual media as tools that contribute to education in our communities, the team reserves the right to consider restored audiovisual pieces of historical value created before October 2010.
7. language and subtitles: The registered works must be in Spanish. If the works are subtitled in another language, they must also have Spanish subtitles. Additionally, productions for the children's selection must be dubbed in Spanish.
8. Registration form: Regardless of the method chosen to register a work, its formalization requires the completion of the designated registration form. The registration form can be downloaded from www.carabantu.org.
9. Correo electrónico:fickuntakinte@gmail.com
10. Every year, the festival develops, participates in, and promotes a series of local, regional, national, and international screenings. If your work is selected for these traveling screenings, you will be notified in advance.
11. Each participant may submit two (2) audiovisual productions in each category.
12. The maximum duration of submitted short films is 59 minutes, and the minimum duration of submitted feature films is 60 minutes.
IMPORTANT: NO SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT A SIGNED REGISTRATION FORM. REGISTRATION CHANNELS: Digital Platforms: The festival currently accepts film and audiovisual works through the digital platform Festhome.
◦ Postal Mail: To formalize the registration of a work through this method, a copy of the production must be sent on DVD and USB, labeled and with a case, the duly completed registration form, and a brief biography of the director accompanied by a photo. The envelopes of the participants will be received at the following address: Corporación Afrocolombiana de Desarrollo Social y Cultural –CARABANTÚ- 8° FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE COMUNITARIO AFRO «KUNTA KINTE» (FICCA «K.K.») Calle 58 # 41 – 64
(ColombiaMedellín)-Phone: +57(4) 5670884 - Cell – 3103946025. • Via e-mail:
Those who choose this option to register their productions must send the completed registration form and the work to the email address fickuntakinte@gmail.com via a link from platforms such as Vimeo and WeTransfer or others that allow viewing. In addition, they must send a brief biography of the director or director accompanied by a photograph. A section is enabled on our website to download the different formats. The reception of the material will take place until July 31, 2024. Keep in mind:
1. The submitted materials will become part of the archive of the Corporación Afrocolombiana de Desarrollo Social y Cultural CARABANTÚ. By submitting their work, participants agree to the conditions of the Corporación Afrocolombiana de Desarrollo Social y Cultural CARABANTÚ, which may make non-commercial use of the materials in the activities that it develops as an organization within its educational and artistic objectives.
2. All the activities carried out by the Corporación Afrocolombiana de Desarrollo Social y Cultural CARABANTÚ are free and open to the public.
The team is made up of people who believe in the process and, through voluntary community work, contribute to its growth and to providing the best for our communities.
Finally, remember:
• The registration form, the film, and the bio-filmography with a photograph of the director, synopsis, photographs, contact information of the director and producer, film poster, etc., are essential requirements for the registration of a work.
• The director of the Festival, with the advice of the production and curatorial team of the 8th FICCA Kunta Kinte, reserves the right to accept, choose, or invite the films that will participate in the festival.
• We are committed to promoting the attendance and participation of the film sessions through our communication and marketing strategy. Likewise, to promote the exchange, networks, and exchanges between interested persons.
• The communication strategy includes the use of photographs, synopsis, and trailer for the promotion of the film at the festival.