Festival start: 23 August 2024
Festival end: 24 August 2024
The Rural Film Festival emerged in the city of Ayacucho in 2016 from an initiative presented by Mr. Emilio Quiroga to the Directorate of Culture to promote audiovisual production in our city.
Below, we list some of the central ideas, according to time and resources, that have been and will be developed within this space:
- General direction and coordination of the Rural Film Festival.
- Promotion and promotion of the movie theater and alternative projection spaces.
- Linkage and cooperation between rural and urban schools.
- Generation of socio-educational projects in schools, institutes and training centers.
- Provision of courses and training open to the community.
- Production of content and audiovisual resources for Municipal offices.
- Production of local short films that cover fiction and non-fiction stories, documentaries, on various topics.
Every year we launch an open call nationwide for fiction and non-fiction short films that cover Rural life from its form and/or content. Our intention is to get to know and enrich ourselves with productions from other places in our country.
The Festival provides training and support programs with theoretical and practical tools for audiovisual production to those who join this initiative. We refer to teachers and students from schools, institutions, neighborhood headquarters, organizations or groups who wish to participate.
This experience became a much larger phenomenon around the initially proposed Film Festival. We are motivated by the need to consolidate a space that seeks to generate identity, value culture, emphasis on human relationships and also commercial links that derive from this massive meeting that can be used to make goods, services and trades visible in pursuit of profit. mutual of the community.
Another important point is to strengthen the ties of our community with those people and groups that come to our city from both nearby towns and also from other cities and provinces of our country summoned by the social event that the Festival represents.
We will use the Festival as a construction tool committed to our social context and in accordance with sustainable production mechanisms considering current communication channels and technology. We will approach the audiovisual understood as an object to think about and in constant transformation.
It is necessary, from our intervention, to guarantee access to a symbolic language, essential to navigate the world around us and construct the images and sounds of our time, this being a necessary task for the development of society, the strengthening of democracy , equity and access to work.
The Jury of the National Official Competition will award the following prizes: Best Short Film, Best Director.
The jury may propose special mentions, which in no case may be more than two.
No film may receive more than two awards.
The Local Competition jury will award the following prizes: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Performance, Best Screenplay, Best Production, Best Photography, Best Soundtrack. The jury may propose special mentions. No film may receive more than two awards.
The 5th National Rural Film Festival of Ayacucho -FNCR-, will take place in August 2024. The organization will be in charge of the Festival's production team, EMEAI and the Municipality of Ayacucho.
The applications for both the National Competition of the Festival and the International Exhibition are designed for fiction and non-fiction short films that cover the -rural- based on an open definition of this concept where the searches and meanings can be related transversally with the theme. of the festival.
In the diversity of this programming we propose the task of elucidating a common point that allows us to build this concept.
The duration of the short films should not exceed ten (10) minutes. All productions must have been completed after January 1, 2022. The Festival gives priority to national premieres of short films. Films that have been exhibited in Argentina will not have priority.
For Local Short Films the theme is free.
The Festival program will include competitive and non-competitive sections. The scheduled films will be included in the section that the selection committee deems appropriate.
Registration of short films to the Festival is free. The producer who holds the rights must notify the Festival, before May 30, 2024, of their desire to participate, sending the duly completed registration form, which once signed will have the character of an affidavit and it will state that they know and accept the present regulation.
Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these regulations. Once registered and selected, the short film cannot be withdrawn from the Festival's programming, nor can it be exhibited in any other area in Argentina before its official presentation at FNCR. The people linked to the selected films undertake not to publicize their participation until the Festival's programming is announced by its organization at a press conference.
The Festival selection committee programs the different competitive sections. The program includes two Official Competitive Sections in order to promote new directors and national productions: National Official Competition and Local Official Short Film Competition, in which fiction and non-fiction short films will participate.
The selection committee reserves the right to create other parallel sections.
The Festival selection committee appoints the members of the jury. Those people who have interests in the production and/or exploitation of the films presented in competition may not be part of the Jury. The votes of the Jury will be secret and the decisions will be adopted by simple majority. A representative of the Festival may attend the deliberations of the Jury, without the right to vote. The members of the Jury firmly undertake not to publicly express their opinions regarding the films submitted for their consideration, before the official proclamation of the awards.
The National Official Competition Jury will award the following prizes: Best Short Film, Best Director and Special Jury Prize. The jury may propose special mentions that in no case may be more than three. No film may receive more than two awards. The Local Competition jury will award the following prizes: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Performance, Best Screenplay, Best Production, Best Photography, Best Soundtrack. The jury may propose special mentions. No film may receive more than two awards.
The producer who holds the rights must send the following by mail to the Festival: A completed and signed registration form. A copy or link of the film spoken or subtitled in Spanish. You must upload a link to download or view it online, within the comments or attached details, you must include the title of the film, the name of the director, duration, subtitles (if any) and a contact address.
Send us a link by wetransfer -the maximum weight of the file is 1 Gigabytes- to cineruralayacucho@gmail.com indicating in the subject: Film for pre-selection / 5th. Rural Film Festival
To be eligible, the short films must have been registered online before May 30, 2024, without exception. The selection committee is not obliged to see films registered after the deadline.
In order to correctly edit the catalogue, for each selected film, the Festival must receive a complete registration form and the following materials