Festival start: 14 May 2024
Festival end: 18 May 2024
Festival of short films made by young people from 14 to 30 years old.
Cash Prizes: 5,000€
a. Prize for the best short film made by young people from 14 to 18 years of age
1.000,00 €
b. Prize for the best short film made by young people from 19 to 30 years old
1.000,00 €
c. Ciutat d'Elx Award
1.000,00 €
d. Prize for the best direction
500,00 €
e. Prize for the best young interpretation
500,00 €
f. Prize for best short film in Valencian language
500,00 €
g. Prize for the best short film in social values
500,00 €
The Department of Youth of the City Council of Elche, in order to promote audiovisual activity and publicly recognize the artistic merits of young people, announces these;
The purpose of these rules is to regulate the call for the 26th Mostra de Cinema Jove d'Elx and the prizes to be awarded on a competitive basis.
The application may be submitted by individuals or legal entities that hold the rights to the works presented.
Any short film made by young people of Spanish or foreign nationality with legal residence in Spain, between 14 and 30 years of age on the date of the deadline for submission of applications, may participate.
Each director may submit as many works as he/she wishes, as long as they comply with the conditions stipulated in these rules.
The works submitted must be original and produced after January 1, 2023, in .mov or .mp4 format, with 1080 resolution and 2.0 stereo sound. The maximum duration will be 15 minutes, credits included. The theme will be free, accepting both fiction and non-fiction works. Works submitted in previous editions will not be accepted, even if they have been modified, nor advertising or corporate shorts, trailers or works in production ("work in progress"). Works that incite the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs, or that violate human dignity and human rights will not be accepted.
Works that are not spoken in Spanish or Valencian must be accompanied by subtitles in Spanish or Valencian.
Failure to comply with any of these requirements will result in automatic exclusion from participation.
4. prizes.
The following economic prizes are established, for a total amount of 5,000.00 €, to be financed from item 16590/20/24, entitled "Youth Activities prizes":
a. Prize for the best short film made by young people from 14 to 18 years of age
1.000,00 €
b. Prize for the best short film made by young people from 19 to 30 years of age
1.000,00 €
c. Ciutat d'Elx Award
1.000,00 €
d. Prize for the best direction
500,00 €
e. Prize for the best young interpretation
500,00 €
f. Prize for best short film in Valencian language
500,00 €
g. Prize for the best short film in social values
500,00 €
No ex aequo prizes will be awarded.
The same work cannot receive the Ciutat d'Elx Award and the Award for the best short film made by young people between 14 and 18 years old or the Award for the best short film made by young people between 19 and 30 years old.
The short film awarded with the Ciutat d'Elx Award will enter the Official Section of the 47th International Independent Film Festival of Elche 2024, organized by Fundación Caja Mediterráneo.
The jury may award other mentions to cultural or technical values, without economic endowment.
All prizes are subject to the current income tax withholding provided for in the tax legislation. The corresponding amounts will be paid to the winner by bank transfer, upon presentation of form A051 ("Register of suppliers. Designation of bank account").
The competent body for the approval of this Call is the Local Government Board, in accordance with the provisions of Article 127.1.g) of Law 7/1985, of Local Government Bases and Base 28 of the Execution of the current municipal budget.
However, the granting of the awards is delegated to the Deputy Mayor for Education, Disability and Youth, being a delegable competence, as regulated in Article 127.2 of the aforementioned legal text.
The "Ciutat d'Elx" Award is established within the Mostra.
Only short films whose directors, on the date of the deadline for submission of applications, meet any of the following conditions shall be eligible for this award:
a. To have been born in Elche.
b. Residing in Elche.
c. To have a degree in Audiovisual Communication at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
The organization of the Mostra will request the corresponding supporting documentation.
The exploitation rights of each work will be transferred to the City Council of Elx, consisting of the reproduction and exhibition of the same for its projection during the Mostra, as well as the right to use images and fragments of the works of up to 60 seconds for promotion in the media and social networks. The organization of the Mostra assumes that whoever submits the application has the rights to the work presented, so it does not assume any liability in this regard.
The request for participation may be submitted by any of the means explained below:
a. Through pre-registration in FESTHOME (https://festhome.com/es). In order to formalize the definitive inscription in the contest, it will be an indispensable requirement that the participants have checked the box on the application form A009 in which they authorize, on their behalf, the officials of the Municipal Registration Assistance Office to proceed to register the application in the Municipal Registry of Entrance.
b. Through the electronic headquarters of the City Council (https://sede.elche.es), or in any of the ways provided for in art. 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
In any case, the following documentation must be submitted:
a. Application for participation (form A009), indicating a link for online viewing and/or downloading (and, if necessary, the password) through any video server or channel, and ticking the corresponding box in the section of the same called "Responsible Declaration".
b. DNI of the applicant or NIF of the applicant entity.
c. DNI of the director or director of the work.
d. When the director is a minor, authorization of participation (form A009b) signed by his/her father, mother or legal guardian and his/her ID card.
e. Justification of being enrolled in the degree in Audiovisual Communication at the UMH, academic year 2023/2024, when the applicant opts for the "Ciutat d'Elx" award for this condition.
f. Document with a list of the dates of birth of the interpreters of the short film under 30 years of age, for their candidacy for the Best Young Interpretation Award.
9. deadline FOR SUBMISSION
The presentation period shall be from the day following the publication of the extract of this call for applications in the Official Gazette of the Province until April 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m., inclusive.
Once the deadline for receipt of applications has expired, the short films received will be checked to see if they comply with these rules.
The Department of Youth will then appoint a Jury composed of people related to the film industry, media, culture and the arts, as well as representatives of the Department itself. The condition of jury will be incompatible with participation as a contestant in the Mostra. The Jury will view the short films and will decide on the prizes and mentions it deems appropriate, based on criteria of quality, creativity and originality. The Jury's decision will be final.
For the final awarding of the prizes it will be necessary to comply with all the requirements set forth in these rules, as well as to provide any additional documentation requested.
The selected works will be screened on dates to be determined between May 14 and 17, 2024 at the Espai Escènic de L'Escorxador CCCE, with the release and award ceremony taking place on May 18. A copy must be provided for exhibition, with the technical specifications and within the period indicated when notifying the selection.
The Youth Department will provide accommodation on the night of May 18 to those winners who can prove that they live more than 150 kilometers away from Elche.
Participation in this Call for Entries implies acceptance of these Rules and the Jury's decision. Any circumstance not foreseen in these Rules will be resolved without appeal by the organization of the Mostra.
This call will be published in the database of the National System of Publicity of Subsidies and on the municipal website. An extract of the same will be published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Alicante.
An appeal for reversal may be lodged within one month before the Local Government Board against these rules and any administrative acts deriving from them, as they put an end to the administrative procedure, or be directly challenged before the contentious administrative court, within 2 months from the day following the publication of the announcement in the corresponding official newspaper or the notification of the administrative act, as the case may be.
The prizes to be awarded shall be governed, in that which is not provided for in this Call, by Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Law on Subsidies, and its implementing regulations, as well as by base 28 of the Execution of the Municipal Budget in force.
Based on the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), we inform that the responsible for the processing of your personal data is the City Council of Elche, with address at Plaça de Baix nº 1, 03202 Elche.
You can contact the Data Protection Delegate (DPD) by letter addressed to the address of the Responsible, indicating "Delegado de Protección de Datos", as well as by email to dpd@elche.es.
The purpose for which your data will be processed is the management of awards of this call. This treatment does not elaborate profiles of natural persons.
Personal data may be published by the City Council of Elche based on the principles of transparency that govern these processes. Likewise, such data may be transferred and/or communicated to the Public Administrations whose intervention may be necessary for the processing and/or control of these processes.
Your Excellency Elx City Council
Youth Department. Curtidors, 23, - 03202 Elx-Elche. Tel. 96 665 80 60. juventud@elche.es
The processing of personal data is authorized for the purpose of processing the matters in question, to the entities whose participation is necessary in the processing of the same and in the rest of the cases provided by law.
The legitimacy to carry out such processing is based on the exercise of public powers vested in the data controller and/or compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller. Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Subsidies, and Law 1/2022, of 13 April, on Transparency and Good Governance of the Valencian Community.
The data will be retained for the period established by the treatment, the applicable legislation and the requirements applicable to the conservation of information by the Public Administration.
The City Council of Elche may verify telematically, based on its power of verification contained in the eighth additional provision of the LOPDGDD, the data necessary to prove their identity and / or compliance with other requirements, requirements or conditions of this call, and without prejudice to the request for the provision of documents that the City Council may direct.
No international data transfers are made.
Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, portability and (where appropriate) withdrawal of consent. You can also contact the Supervisory Authority to claim your rights. To exercise them, you must send a request, submitted in person or by ordinary mail, to the City Council of Elche, Registro de Entrada, Plaça de Baix nº 1, 03202 Elche, indicating "Delegado de Protección de Datos" (Data Protection Delegate). The request can also be sent by means of an electronic office. In all cases, the City Council must verify your identity as the owner of the data, so you must include a copy or reference of a valid document proving your identity. For this verification, the City Council will exercise its power of verification contained in the eighth additional provision of the LOPDGDD. In case of acting as a representative of the interested party, the power of representation granted by the interested party must be reliably accredited.