Festival start: 13 July 2023
Festival end: 23 July 2023
The SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK festival is intended for all national and international audiovisual producers that have any short, medium and/or feature-length animation, documentary and/or fiction and series with no time limit on the year of production and/or release, aimed at children and teenagers, as long as they have material suitable for presentation at festivals. The films must be classified as UNRATED, in accordance with the TV Rating Guide of the Ministry of Justice of Brazil. The purpose of SACI is to exhibit diverse and inventive cinematographic works.
2) The second edition of the festival SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK takes place between the 13th and 23rd of July in the city of Curitiba and on a digital platform available throughout Brazil. The Festival is organized and carried out by INFINITO GESTÃO DE INOVAÇÃO E AGENCAMENTO DE NEGÓCIOS EIRELI, a for-profit cultural producer under private law, CNPJ 15.721.700/0001-42.
3) The selection committee for the second edition of the festival SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK is composed by Célia Catunda, Isabela Silveira and Marília Hughes Guerreiro.
Cash Prizes: 590€
The SACl Official Selection is composed of competitive exhibitions divided between short and medium-length/feature films.
Prizes and trophies will be awarded to the best films in each category, based on the vote of the Official and Popular Jury.
4) The SACI | CHILDREN'S ANIMATION AND CINEMA WEEK is dedicated to the exhibition and promotion of films for children in the form of selection, without remuneration for the exhibition of films during the period of the festival.
5) Applications of the works proposed can be made free of charge on the event website from 6:00 pm on March 10 until 11:59 pm on May 1, 2023.
6)Applications must be in digital format and available for access in a viewing link format (with password or closed link).
7) The access link and password must be informed in the registration form or made available by the platform system and must remain available until 07/13/2023.
8) SACI does not require the works presented to be unpublished.
9)The SACI selection committee reserves the right to invite films that do not participate in this selection process.
10) The result of the selection will be announced until 06/30/2023 on the website www.saci.art.br
11) All applications will receive an email confirming or not their participation in the festival.
12) The exhibition copies of the selected works must be without printed subtitles and in HD 1080p format (1920×1080), extension .MOV or .mp4 and codec H264 and be sent to the event organization by 5 days after the confirmation of participation.
13) The selected works must also send promotion material for the works containing:
- Image of the poster in jpg or tiff with a resolution of 300 dpi;
- 5 images from the film in jpg or tiff with a resolution of 300 dpi;
- Trailer of the work in stream system with 30s, if any;
- Synopsis of the work, in Portuguese, Spanish or English, with a maximum of 320 characters;
- 01 photo in jpg or tiff, 300 dpi, and mini biography of the director;
- Credits of the team and main cast
14) SACI will have dubbing, audio description and subtitling for portuguese exclusively for the festival under the responsibility of the organization itself. For this reason, the selected works must later send copies with audios and subtitles (including subtitles in PT/ES/IN) separated with time-code from the original dialogue list.
15) By registering the work with SACI, the applicant producer will grant the organization the right to reproduce and exhibit the film free of charge in cinemas set up in public squares and on a digital platform during the period of the event and under the conditions provided for in these Rules. Likewise, when registering, the producer authorizes the organization of the event, or a third party on its behalf or outsourced third party, to edit, transcribe, publish and, in any other way, to use, in whole or in part, the images together, or not, with the other data provided, in order to prepare and create advertising, promotional, commercial, educational, for-profit or non-profit materials, both in paper and electronic format, or in any media for the purpose of promoting the exhibition, without limitation on the number of times.
16)The producer of the work submitted authorizes SACI to perform, by itself or by an outsourced third party, the dubbing, audio description, LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language) and subtitling (descriptive or not) of the submitted film. The copyright on dubbings, audio descriptions and subtitles made for the exhibition of the films for the festival shall be the exclusive property of SACI.
17)By submitting the work to SACI, the applicant producer guarantees that it holds all copyrights on the work for the purposes of its exhibition at festivals, under the conditions established in these Rules. Upon registration, the applicant must indicate, for registration and promotion purposes, the co-authors of the work. Upon registration, the applicant declares, under his/her liability, that the exhibition and promotion of the film does not violate the rights of third parties.
18)The applicant producer must submit, together with the requested material, a declaration, as per the model attached to this notice, proving that they have the right to exhibit the work and authorization for its participation in the SACI.
19) SACI shall not be liable for returns, misplacements and other expenses arising from the submission of materials for application.
20) Submitting material for SACI registration implies full acceptance of this regulation;
21) The applicant producer ensures, under liability and in good faith, that all information provided is true, whether at the time of application or in complementary submissions.
22)The personal data to which SACI may have access for holding the event may only be subject to processing in cases where the law so authorizes or when authorized by the respective subject. SACI may use the name and image of those who carry out the application and submission of their films in the event's promotional materials, by any means of dissemination, including social media, having as a legal basis its legitimate interest as defined in the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data from Brazil (“LGPD”).
23) Cases not provided for by these rules shall be analyzed by the organizing committee of SACl, and its decision shall be final
24) The SACI festival is not responsible for travel expenses (air and land tickets, accommodation and local transport) that may be incurred by the team of selected films.