Logo of HECare Film Festival

30 Sep 2020

Published: 08 Jun 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner HECare Film Festival

HECare Film Festival

Pickering, Canada

The Human Environment Care Film Festival (HECFF) is Canada's premier cultural event devoted exclusively to the exploration of Human-Environment care, Human rights issues, Environment protection, and a special section of this year (CoronaVirus and New World)through film.

Our competitive sections are:

Environment protection (care)
Humanity and human rights
Special section:
Coronavirus and New World

Non-competitive section:
All submitted films include documentaries, features, and animated that are over 30 minutes length and related to the competition section will come to the non-competitive section.

Through Festhome, the following artists are encouraged to submit their work:

Filmmakers and Animators. Works should relate to Human-Environment care, Human rights issues, Environment protection, and a special section of this year (CoronaVirus and New World). As this is an art festival, creative endeavors are encouraged.

HECFF aims to:

• Advance and encourage debate and awareness of Human-Environment care, human rights issues, environmental issues, and a special section of this year (CoronaVirus and New World) amongst the broader community through creative media.

• Showcase and support Canadian and international artists who are concerned with Human-Environment care, Human rights issues, Environment protection, and a special section of this year (CoronaVirus and New World).

COVID-19 Notice: At the moment we cannot know if the festival will be held LIVE or not, but in any case, we will hold it. If the law won't allow for live screening, we will make an online screening of all the films with Q&A, live interviews with the directors, and live events through streaming platforms and all the awards will be given normally.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental