Logo of Intenational Animal Film Festival of Sabadell

30 Sep 2017

Veröffentlicht: 27 Jun 2017
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Muestra Internacional de Cine Animal de Sabadell

Intenational Animal Film Festival of Sabadell

Sabadell, Spain

Fortunately the sensitivity of today's society towards animals is changing for the better. There are already many people who do not see animals solely as a product from which they are supplied or enjoyed, but as living beings with their own nature and therefore rights to respect.

There is a growing awareness that a prosperous and dignified society should not allow any kind of violence, not against animals.

People who live with animals have long known, which has been observed in several studies: "animals have emotions and experience pleasure, fear, stress, anxiety, pain or happiness." The current Law on the protection of animals, sensitive to this, defines them as living beings, endowed with physical and psychic sensibility and also voluntary movement, to which no one will cause suffering or ill-treatment or cause states of anxiety or fear.

In this legislature the Ajuntament de Sabadell, through the Department of Animal Welfare, has promoted a decided political line to ensure the protection and welfare of animals. To begin with, the Ajuntament de Sabadell in Plenary declared "Sabadell free of animal abuse" in September 2015 and, among other actions carried out, many of them in collaboration with the animalistic entities of the city, is now working on an Ordinance of Animal welfare that will not only collect the obligations of the owners, but also the rights and obligations of all citizens towards animals.

Another line of work of the Ajuntament de Sabadell is the promotion of training, diffusion and support to audiovisual production in the territory, taking into account the multiple aspects of creative and cultural work, communicative tool, economic activity and promotion of the city that have the audiovisual productions.

Joining these two objectives, the Ajuntament de Sabadell promotes the first International Animal Film Show of Sabadell, designed with the intention of promoting and recognizing quality documentary film productions, while contributing to a cultural change in favour of well-being, respect, Awareness and responsibility towards animals.

And within the framework of this exhibition, this contest is promoted for audiovisual short films related to the animal field, and which should serve to recognize creative talent, facilitate the access of citizens to quality productions and contribute to build awareness and responsibility for welfare and animal rights.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation