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Sarajevo Fashion Film Festival offers fresh and colourful views of the innovative world of fashion and film. The fusion of the work of creative professionals in the fashion, film and advertising industry is recognised around the world.
The focus is on the symbiosis between fashion and film on which will show a diverse selection of fashion films, advertising films, music videos and short documentaries.
Attracting domestic and world-class talent, fashion festival is a haven for many professionals in the film industry, fashion photographers, designers, stylists, models,
artists and many others. This is a unique opportunity for fashion enthusiasts to make friends, he will die and connect and expand your horizons and opportunities both in BiH and worldwide.
All participants will have the opportunity to participate in a series of exciting events at which top professionals to share their experiences and knowledge. On the panel will be held interesting lectures and discussions that enrich and develop the art form.
Open to all interested SFFF is one of the hottest fashion events in the region.