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KIIFFA, a unique Film Festival & Film Award is a global platform to promote and support the development of the cinema around the world. It is for screening and promotion of independent films, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, culture & values between India & other nations. It is a huge event for all kind of Film makers, first time Film makers, Students of cinema, Young Film makers, Distributors, Buyers, Film Enthusiasts, everyone from the field of cinema coming globally. Festival will be held with Film screenings along with an award function.
KIIFFA festival is non-commercial in nature. It is a non- profitable platform that connects all film makers, short & feature length films of various genres from across the world. This is a Movie Marathon which showcases back to back best films shortlisted under various categories. The festival committee will select the winners and awarded them with prizes, trophies and cash prizes.
KIIFFA is a highly visionary platform which aims to be a top international Festival. We give maximum exposure, promotion, support and inspire independent filmmakers and discover their talent by showcasing their work on international level.
We are here to create a full fledged International film market where film makers, directors, screenwriters, cinematographers, editors, the people connected to any aspect of cinema and cinema enthusiasts can get an opportunity to meet one another and share their creative and profitable ideas by giving their valuable inputs and thus contribute to world cinema.
KIIFFA promote and supports the concept of save environment, go digital, paperless, save trees, forests and wildlife thus intends to create awareness towards nature.