Logo of Archeocinema Tiriolo - Elmo dei Brettii Award

31 Aug 2023

Published: 23 Aug 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

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Archeocinema Tiriolo - Elmo dei Brettii Award

Tiriolo, Italy

Archeocinema Tiriolo:

Opening up archaeological assets to the local area, making them more attractive by hosting cinematographic activities, cultural activities, events, music, theatre, virtual installations. All of this, of course, in full respect of the sites and monuments. Thinking of parks and archaeological sites not only as an area dedicated to the fruition of archeology, but as an attractive place to host initiatives, programs, festivals with a strong cultural and identity impact. This can be a new challenge for a region like Calabria, rich in ancient remains, which needs to work to promote its culture and image.

The event takes place annually, is open to all producers, directors and film and television authors, in the field of archaeological, historical, paleontological, anthropological research and in any case whose purpose is the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, with particular attention to museums, superintendencies, and all bodies managing archaeological sites.

The festival is open to short films and documentaries, no longer than 30 minutes, in any language, provided they are presented with Italian subtitles. The participating works will be selected by a committee appointed jointly by the organizers of the event.


Archaeological cinema days 7-8-9 September 2023
The idea is to put public awareness of the value of cultural heritage at the heart of the Festival. The choice of Tiriolo is due to its historical archaeological vocation, testified by the current excavations in the Giammartino area, whose inauguration has rekindled interest in the history of this ancient center of the Province of Catanzaro.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Other