Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival

Fecha Límite
09 Sep 2014

Publicado: 25 Jun 2014
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival

All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival

Santa Clarita, Estados Unidos

Whether it is a dramatic or comedic piece, we want screenwriters and filmmakers to share their great stories in regards to the world of sports. We felt that creating this festival would give the many sports fanatics out there an outlet for their love of competition.

Some people have asked us to define "sports". Well, we want to include any subject that deals with mental and physical competition for the sake of winning a prize (and not killing anyone along the way to do it). So we're ready to watch and read any stories from auto racing and badminton to spelling bees and chess.

We ask that your film's plot revolve around a competitive theme. We ask to see something other than a film with a sports scene in it that doesn't involve the story line.

Our jury and judges are well respected people in the film and sporting industry. We'll be adding more so check our website periodically to see the updates.

Having your film or screenplay in the festival may open doors that may not be available to you. We can’t promise sudden fame and fortune but we’ll so our best to get you noticed.

This is the sixth year of the festival and we hope to continue to grow.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Otros