Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of SR - Socially Relevant Film Festival New York

Fecha Límite
01 Dec 2015

Publicado: 17 Jul 2015
 Con tasa de inscripción

Banner SR - Socially Relevant Film Festival New York

SR - Socially Relevant Film Festival New York

New York , Estados Unidos

SR films are of socially relevant content and concentrate on character-driven situations and good storytelling instead of relying on gratuitous violence, crime, and so-called selling points for box office success.

SR Film Festival New York and its Industry Panels focus on Socially Relevant film content and nurture filmmakers who develop human interest stories with Socially Relevant themes.​

SR is a festival and film development lab that aims to satisfy a market need concentrating on everyday positive human stories while offering a financially viable alternative to the proliferation of violence & crime in today’s movie industry.

The festival and industry panels event provides filmmakers & festival attendees with the best of both worlds: finished films and projects/scripts in development.

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Experimental