Blog: Festivals de cinéma

Logo of School Film Festival

Date limite
30 Apr 2018

Publié: 22 Jul 2017
 A des frais d’inscription

Banner School Film Festival

School Film Festival

Pescara (PE), Abruzzo - Italy, Italy

The School Film Festival invites you to submit your short film, animation or music video.
From the ten-year experience of the Palena Film Festival, (over 8500 short films, animations and music videos received from more than 125 countries of all 5 continents) in 2017 the School Film Festival is born.

Founded by the FM non-profit organization (Associazione Culturale FM), the School Film Festival is a online international Film Festival, made in Italy, unique in his own genre: students and teachers are the recipients of the short films. The final selection will be performed by a qualified jury. The awards will be assigned the 31st May 2018.

The School Film Festival wants to make an active contribution to the continuous search for visual audio material suitable for schools and students of every order and degree. Through the realization of these competitions one wants to create a multimedia archive, a resource of quality from which to draw for all the needs of school planning. Distinctive feature is the ability to access multicultural and multidisciplinary material, leveraging the global web platform.

The School Film Festival is promoted by the FM non-profit organization (Associazione Culturale FM).

The School Film Festival is open to all filmmakers, screenwriters, industry professionals and individual or group students with their own and recent works whose theme, style and subject are designed for viewing in schools.

Each director can submit short films, animations or music videos (entry fee for each project).

The running time of the films must not exceed 40 minutes (opening and closing credits included).

The deadline for submitting entries is 30th April 2018 (23:59 local time).

The admission fee is fixed to € 10,00 (EUR) for each project.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video