Logo of Rio International Sportmovies Festival (FIFE)

15 Mar 2015

공개됨: 01 Nov 2014
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.

Banner Festival Internacional De Filmes De Esporte (FIFE)

Rio International Sportmovies Festival (FIFE)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

PANSPORT Cinema e Esporte Ltda. promotes and organizes the RIO DE JANEIRO INTERNATIONAL SPORTMOVIES FESTIVAL (FIFE), which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from September 9th to 15th, 2015, with free entrance for the audience.
Single Paragraph – The screening program of the FIFE can be exhibited in until 15 (fiftheen) other cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

국제 영화제

단편 영화제

장편 영화제

 극영화  다큐멘터리  애니메이션