Logo of FIC International Short Film Festival

04 May 2018

Published: 19 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional del Cortometraje FIC

FIC International Short Film Festival

Bella Vista, Argentina

Faced with the international crisis caused by the virus COVID-19, the organizers of the International Short Film Festival FIC want to show their support for the victims, their relatives and for all those people fighting to mitigate the consequences of this pandemic.

They also officially communicate the postponement of the development of the FIC’s tenth edition, which was scheduled to take place May 5-23 2020.
Initially, this edition will be rescheduled for October 2020. However, as soon as the evolution of the national and international sanitary situation is clear enough to allow for a real assessment of the festival’s development, the organizers will announce the start date for October or later, with the intention not to cancel the FIC’s tenth edition, which has over 1300 registered films from 80 different countries.
The organizers



En pleine crise mondiale liée à la pandémie provoquée par le virus COVID-19, les organisateurs du Festival international du court métrage FIC ont une pensée pour les victimes de ce fléau et expriment leur solidarité envers leurs proches et tous ceux qui se battent pour en atténuer les conséquences.

En outre, ils annoncent officiellement le report de sa dixième édition, qui ne pourra pas se tenir aux dates prévues pour le mois de mai 2020.

La reprogrammation du FIC aurait lieu en octobre de cette année. Cependant, dès que la situation sanitaire nationale et mondiale permettra d'évaluer la possibilité réelle de sa réalisation, ses organisateurs feront connaître la date précise de son début, soit en octobre, soit ultérieurement, dans l'espoir de ne pas annuler la dixième édition du FIC à laquelle se sont inscrits 1 300 films en provenance de 80 pays.

L'équipe du Festival International du Court-métrage FIC.

-See below for French language-


 Description (pages 1, 2 and 3)
 Entry terms and conditions for the ESMI 2020 Contest of the 9th edition of the FIC (pages 3-8)
 Registration form 2020 (page 9)
 Contact (page 10)


Since its foundation, the festival is organized by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA, with the support of INCAA (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL ARTS), under the AUSPICES OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN MIGUEL, which coordinates the FIC COMMISSION (12 institutions) through its EDUCATION and CULTURE offices; the EMBASSY OF FRANCE, the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, and the GENERAL DELEGATION OF THE FRENCH ALLIANCE FOUNDATION IN ARGENTINA. Since 2014, the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF SAN MIGUEL actively participates in the organization of the FIC. Many educational and cultural institutions of the region open their doors to the FIC to serve as screening venues for a growing public. The FIC has been declared of NATIONAL INTEREST BY THE HONORABLE ARGENTINE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES in two of its editions. The FIC has also been declared of MUNICIPAL INTEREST since its first edition. From 2015, Telefé is also present in the festival, and as from 2016 the Festival also receives the cooperation of ASAEC (Argentine Association of Film and Audiovisual Studies) and of the UNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA INTERAMERICANA. In 2017 it also received the support of the Ibero-American Universities Network for the development of the Audiovisual field in the UNASUR area (REDAU).

FESTIVAL DATES: From May, 5th, 2020.

REGISTRATION OF FILMS FOR THE ESMI CONTEST: September, 26th through November 10th, 2019

The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC is a major event held annually in BELLA VISTA and SAN MIGUEL, to offer a space of interaction between national and foreign filmmakers, to recognize young talents of the Seventh Art around the world, to bring new experiences to the public, to pay homage to the origins of filmmaking and to remember through the ESMI (SAN MIGUEL FILM STUDIOS) trophy the great studios located in Bella Vista, in which the most important productions and co-productions of Latin American of that time have been developed.

During the festival, people can attend the free screenings for each type of audience (adults, teenagers, and children) as well as talks, debates, exhibitions and workshops in
the different screening appointed each year by the organization of the Festival.

Apart from the ESMI contest, in which filmmakers of all over the world participate, the FIC fosters the audiovisual production in educational institutions through its CORTITOS contest for teenagers.

The Gala Dinner of the FIC brings together the finalist and winning filmmakers of the ESMI contest and special guests, as well as the winners of the CORTITOS contest, in an elegant and warm setting specially designed to honor the filmmaking art.


 The ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA´s website: www.afbellavista.com.ar
 COMMUNICATION IN THE PRESS AND IN WEBSITES related to the cinematographic industry.
 The distribution and communication platforms in which the festival is registered.


The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC was created in 2009 by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA with the support of the INCAA, the Embassy of France and the Municipal Government of San Miguel. The FIC was first held on April 10-24, 2010. The UNIVERSITY OF CINEMA, AIR FRANCE, PERNOD RICARD, Buenos Aires Golf Club and the UNIVERSITY OF GENERAL SARMIENTO also supported the Festival in that first edition. It was successfully held in six venues opened for such purpose and in the Award Gala Dinner, which was the grand finale of the first international presentation of a festival conceived to open up to the world.

In 2016 the FIC received the support of ASAECA. It grew year after year without interruption. The festival´s national and international reach continued to expand, and in 2017, in its eighth edition, talented filmmakers of 80 different countries participated, through more than 1237 films, which stood out for their originality and quality.

18 screening venues offered 40 sessions to present the whole official selection of 2017 of both contests of the Festival.
Another important feature of the festival is the offer of related activities: talks, debates and an exposition created by local artists in honor of the films all over the world. The Gala Award Dinner has held once more in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of San Miguel in an excellent presentation by the Universidad Abierta Interamericana and Telefé, which started to participate in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In the Gala Dinner nominated filmmakers from Argentina and from the world were honored, together with authorities and important personalities. In addition, the UAI, together with the REDAU, granted during a special award to narrative innovation during the Gala dinner.


- 15 screening venues and festival-related activities.

- 20 days’ duration

- 40 screenings

- A filmmaking workshop

- Debates

- 2 press conferences

- An itinerant photography exhibition.

- 1 Gala Award Dinner

- 1300 registered films

- 370 selected films

- 80 participating countries

- 46 awards

- 9 jury members with outstanding careers

- A president of the jury.

- Permanent staff.


FIC-ESMI 2020 Página 1
Année 2020 - 10ème édition –
 Description du FIC (de la page 1 à la page 3).
 Règlement du Concours ESMI du FIC 2020 (de la page 4 à la page 9).
 Formulaire d´inscription 2020 (page 9).
 Contacts (page 10).
LE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC est organisé par L´ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE BELLA VISTA. Dès sa première édition il a reçu l’appui de l´INCAA -L’INSTITUT NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DES ARTS AUDIOVISUELS- et de LA MAIRIE DE SAN MIGUEL qui coordonne, à travers ses Sous-secrétariats de l´Éducation et de la Culture, les actions de 12 institutions composant le Comité d´Appui au FIC.
Toutes les années le FIC a le haut honneur de recevoir les auspices de l´AMBASSADE DE France, ainsi que de L´INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, et de LA DÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE DE LA FONDATION ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE PARIS EN ARGENTINE. Depuis 2014, LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE SAN MIGUEL est l´un des partenaires du FIC. Bon nombre d’institutions culturelles et éducatives régionales ouvrent leurs salles de projection pour un public de plus en plus nombreux durant ce grand événement dont deux éditions ont été déclarées d’INTÉRÊT NATIONAL par LA CHAMBRE DES DÉPUTÉS DE LA NATION ARGENTINE. TELEFE y est présent depuis 2015. À partir de 2016 le FIC a reçu la collaboration de l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine, d´ASAECA -Association Argentine d´Etudes du Cinéma et de l´Audiovisuel- et du Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’Audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, en 2017.

À partir du 05 mai 2020.

Du 26 septembre au 10 novembre 2019.


Le Festival International du Court-métrage FIC est un grand événement qui se tient une fois par an notamment à Bella Vista, à Muñiz et à San Miguel, dans le but d’ offrir un espace d´interaction entre les réalisateurs argentins et étrangers, de promouvoir et récompenser les jeunes talents sans distinction de frontières, d´offrir une nouvelle vision du septième art au public cinéphile, de rendre hommage aux origines du cinéma et d´évoquer l´histoire des «STUDIOS SAINT MICHEL » de la ville de Bella Vista, lieu de tournage des productions et des coproductions les plus importantes de l´histoire de la cinématographie argentine, à travers le nom de la statuette ESMI, -ESTUDIOS SAN MIGUEL INTERNACIONAL-.
Dans les différentes salles de projection désignées chaque année par les organisateurs du festival, le FIC présente non seulement des projections gratuites ayant la spécification du type de public (adultes, adolescents, enfants), mais aussi des expositions, des conférences, des débats, des ateliers.

Le FIC organise deux sortes de concours : L’un nommé ESMI, pour des cinéastes du monde entier, et l’autre PETITS COURT, dont les réalisateurs sont les adolescents, pour pouvoir promouvoir la production audiovisuelle dans des institutions éducatives.

Son Dîner de Gala réunit les finalistes et les gagnant des prix ESMI, ainsi que des invités spéciaux et les gagnants du concours PETITS COURTS, dans une chaleureuse ambiance dans laquelle la création cinématographique est mise en valeur.


- Presse écrite, télévision, radio et sites web diffusant des festivals de cinéma nationaux et internationaux.
- Les plateformes de diffusion et distribution qui présentent le FIC.


Le FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC a été conçu en 2009 par l´Alliance Française de Bella Vista. Sa première édition a eu lieu du 10 au 24 avril 2010 avec l´appui de l´INCAA, les auspices de l´Ambassade de France, de la Mairie de San Miguel, de l´Institut Français et de la Délégation Générale de la Fondation Alliance Française en Argentine. L´Université du Cinéma, Air France, Pernod Ricard, Buenos Aires Golf Club et l´ Université de General Sarmiento ont été partenaires de l’édition 2010 du FIC. Il a connu un très grand succès reflété dans ses six salles de projection, ainsi que dans les salons du Gala de la Remise des prix marquant la fermeture de la première présentation d´un festival international né pour s´ouvrir comme une fenêtre sur le monde.

Ce festival a évolué sans cesse et à pas de géant, renforçant dans chaque édition son caractère national et international, au point d’atteindre le chiffre de 1237 films venus de 80 pays différents, lors de sa 8ème édition en 2017, caractérisée par l’originalité et la qualité des 40 projections de toute la sélection officielle offerte dans 18 salles.

Il faudrait également considérer les activités parallèles : conférences, débats, une exposition offerte par des artistes de la région pour rendre hommage au cinéma universel, créant une atmosphère toute particulière. Le dîner de Gala de remise des prix, qui a encore eu lieu dans le grand salon de la Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de San Miguel, s´est tenu dans le cadre d´une excellente présentation réalisée à travers l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine et TELEFE, pour accueillir des cinéastes argentins et étrangers et des autorités et personnalités représentatives. La UAI et le REDAU – Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, ont accordé un prix spécial à la narration innovante.

L’édition 2019 du FIC en chiffres :

- 15 salles

- Une durée de 20 jours

- 40 séances

- Un atelier de cinéma

- Huit débats

- Deux conférences-presse

- 1 exposition de photographie itinérante

- 1 dîner de gala de remise des prix

- 1300 films inscrits

- 370 films sélectionnés

- 80 pays en compétition

- 46 prix

- 9 jurés de très haute compétence

- 1 président du jury

- 1 staff permanent

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Fiaticorti Film Festival

03 Aug 2018

Published: 19 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fiaticorti Film Festival

Fiaticorti Film Festival

Istrana, Italy

Fiaticorti was born in 2000 from the idea of some members of Istrana’s “Youth Project”.

The event name was selected for two reasons: firstly, 'shortness of breath' (fiato corto) is the effect of physical effort of short duration (the same duration of short movies). Moreover, a film that can last up to 20 minutes is able to convey strong emotions to the viewer, leaving her or him 'out of breath'.

Initially, fiaticorti was condensed into a single evening, namely an awards night. However, from the 4th edition on, the format has been enhanced, and the festival develops over four stages, during which the best works are presented.

In 2006 the section FiatiVeneti was introduced, to reward short film-makers from the Veneto region.

2011 represented fiaticorti’s turning point. Not only did longtime artistic director Gianni Billio pass the baton to Bartolo Ayroldi Sagarriga (the new artistic director), Andrea Grespan and Simone Perotto, but the quality of the films in competition increased dramatically, together with the number of foreign participants, mainly from France, Great Britain, Romania and Spain. fiaticorti increasingly became an international event.

But the identity of the festival, connected to the Italian film club culture of the Seventies, has always remained the same. Its goal is that of transmitting culture and passion for short films. That’s why the artistic direction has chosen not to accompany the festival with events of other kinds.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Fantastic Film Festival

31 Jan 2019

Published: 18 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Fantastic Film Festival

Fantastic Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

4th edition of Fantástic Film Festival is mainly intended for short films and feature films of fantastic genre

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Dulcísimo Ovario

31 Jul 2018

Published: 18 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dulcísimo Ovario, Festival de Video y Cine Femenino

Dulcísimo Ovario

Pachuca, Mexico

Dulcísimo Ovario is a Festival of Female Video and Cinema that showcases and recognizes the work of Mexican women filmmakers and video artists.

We believe in the need to approach new narratives that display a diversity of realities, thoughts, and ways of relating.

Our goal is to organize cycles of presentations, conferences, and screenings of cinema and video, in their different formats and genres, directed by Mexican woman filmmakers and video artists.

For Dulcísimo Ovario, questioning and deconstructing gender representations in audiovisual media has been a starting point since 2017 and in each edition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Nišville Movie Festival

22 Jul 2018

Published: 18 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Nišville Movie Festival

Nišville Movie Festival

Nis, Serbia

Nišville Foundation organizer of famous Nišville Jazz Festival which was rated as one of best jazz festivals in a world according to British magazine The Guardian. Last 8 years within the festival was Nišville Movie stage that becomes Nišville Movie Summit this year.

Nišville Movie Summit wants to bring together filmmakers of short and long movies to present them on a summit. Through this summit, we want to fuse jazz music and movies.

Competition: 8 will include feature films, 12 documentaries, 16 feature films and 20 silent films.

Feature films and silent films will be limited to thirty minutes duration, while the documentaries will be shown regardless of the playing time. The criteria will be linked on the one hand the aesthetic level of these films, and on the other - their authentic connections with jazz music.

Silent films with musical accompaniment pianist: Films that have been produced by Academy students accompanied by pianists and other musicians (movies will be obtained through the academies and art faculties). Authors can submit scores or to pianists, following action film Music improvise on the spot. These films should encourage creativity among students who produce movies about existence, and with the musicians who have an obligation to music "follow" developments on the canvas. The compound of creativity in both art, creating new kind creation.

In an exhibition part of Nišville Movie Summit will present a selection of some, a wider range of viewers, known movies (Django, La La Land, Bird, Mo Better Blues, Round Midnight, Born to be Blue, Miles Away, Artist ...) who meet the criteria for participation in the festival. As in any major film festivals, there is a possibility that some of these films are shown in the official program, but it does not compete for festival awards, because the idea of the festival "Movie Nišville Summit" is to find a new author values in domestic and world cinema when comes to the permeation of the film and jazz. Films that have received significant international awards are to be presented at the festival, but two awards at the festival, in this respect, would not bring anything significantly new

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other

Logo of MesThriller Film Festival

31 Jul 2018

Published: 18 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner MesThriller Film Festival

MesThriller Film Festival

Mestre - Venezia, Italy

The Candiani Cultural Center and Cinema Circuit of the City of Venice announce the first edition of Mesthriller Film Fest, an event that, in the fourth edition of Mesthriller, aims to promote the culture of the thriller / noir / crime story also in films.

The video competition is for fictional and animation short films of international production whose theme is suspense in all meanings of thriller, crime story, and noir.

The selected works will be projected during the event and the following prizes will be awarded:

1. Best international short film
2. Best young director under 30 years old
3. Best Crime Story / Noir / Thriller storyline
4. Best leading actor / actress

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Anishort International Festival Of Short Animated Films

15 Jun 2018

Published: 18 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Anishort International Festival Of Short Animated Films

Anishort International Festival Of Short Animated Films

Prague, Czech Republic

International Short Animated Film Festival - ANISHORT is an international competition that serves to support the animated short films and their creators. At the same time it serves to the promotion, propagation, retrieval and watching possibilities of the best animated short films from around the world.

It should also be a place where community of creative people that producing these films meet. On the other hand, then the place for people who enjoy watching of these films and that are fans of this kind of art.

The festival will take place from 18th October 2023 in several selected cities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia and Poland.

The top 18 short animated films will compete in this competition.

The films will be judged by ​​selected international jury. The jury is composed mostly of professionals or professions closely associated with animation - total 7 judges, each from a different country.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Other

Logo of Plataforma De Estrenos- Cortodeón

31 Dec 2018

Published: 17 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Plataforma De Estrenos- Cortodeón

Plataforma De Estrenos- Cortodeón

Madrid, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Macau International Short Film Festival

16 Jun 2018

Published: 17 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Macau International Short Film Festival

Macau International Short Film Festival

Macau, Macao

MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival that aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.

The Festival compromises two separate competitions:
- SHORTS International Short Film Competition
- VOLUME International Music Video Competition

“SHORTS” awards the best shorts-films in the three categories of Fiction, Documentary, and Animation. And “VOLUME” awards the best winning music video incorporating Macau original music. A list of Macau original songs is available on the Festival's WEBSITE for download purposely for VOLUME.

SHORTS is open for submission from 16 March to 16 June 2024, and VOLUME is open for submission from 16 March to 20 July 2024.

The Festival was previously known as "Sound & Image Challenge" and was first launched in 2010 focusing only on an audiovisual competition for local talent. This initiative was co-founded with professionals in film, music, sound and image fields, with two priorities: to promote the Creative Industries in the audiovisual sector and highlight the local talents in the production of sound and moving image design. Over the years, it expanded across 5 continents, grew and gained recognition, and finally became a short film festival in 2015.

The Festival will be held from 3 to 10 December 2024. A series of cultural programs will be scheduled in venues throughout Macau during the Festival week, such as public screenings of “SHORTS” official selection and “VOLUME” music videos official selection, Masterclasses of film production, development, International Film Festival curatorship and organising; audience voting for “Audience Choice”; as well as gala awards ceremony.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Begiradak - International short film festival

15 Oct 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Begiradak - International short film festival

Banner Begiradak - Festival internacional de cine amateur

Begiradak - International short film festival

Donostia- San Sebastián, Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

30 Sep 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

Tolmezzo, Italy

Cortomontagna prize is exclusively dedicated to short films.

The prize’s main theme is Mountain life, told and documented through a video that expresses the author's point of view and interpretation.

Possible takes on the main theme can range from the narration of sporting activities (skiing, climbing, hiking - for example), to naturalistic-environmental themes, to facts and life stories of communities or mountain territories.

Everyone can take part in this competition.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental


01 Nov 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Courts Mais Trash


Bruxelles, Belgium

We are an annual independent short film festival based in Brussels, Belgium, from January 20 to 24, 2021. Every year, we select over 100 short films and invite more than 40 filmmakers from all around the world.

The festival has been running for 16 years now with increasing success. We screen mainly independent films, not specially trashy movies. we love originality and creativity. Cheapness and Beauty !

The idea for Courts Mais Trash originated from a lack of a proper platform for independent short films to be screened.

Films that fail to meet conservative cinematographic standards are mostly snubbed by festival programmers and legitimate audio-visual venues. Trash is often just perceived in the provocative sense of the word; shocking and equally alternative, political, cheap and offbeat… .

Every category of film will be projected, from experimental to animation, through video clips and documentaries. No genre is left unexploited. The shorts don’t have to be ‘trash’ per se, but we do encourage work that is ‘out there’, on the cusp of the cutting edge and stimulating to the spectators interests. To avoid any possible confusion: the screenings are adults only.

Do you wish to participate in the biggest blowout alternative, underground and independent cinema has to offer, then act now! What are you waiting for?

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Fashion Film Festival Chicago

01 Jun 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Fashion Film Festival Chicago

Fashion Film Festival Chicago

Chicago, United States

Fashion Film Festival Chicago is an annual opportunity to celebrate the creativity of emerging filmmakers everywhere! Every year filmmakers are encouraged to share their vision on any theme as it relates to the fashion industry. The submission may be humorous, inspiring, experimental, dramatic -- any positive motif desired by the filmmaker. Submissions must pertain to some aspect of the fashion industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

15 May 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Documental | Globale Bogotá 2024

International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

11th version of the International Documentary Film Festival Globale - Bogotá
The Globale International Documentary Film Festival - Bogotá invites documentary filmmakers and audiovisual producers to submit proposals that revolve around utopias under
construction, that is, human and non-human resistance to live in freedom and autonomy.

About the festival
Globale—Critical and Emancipatory Perspectives is a non-profit and non-competitive festival that exhibits documentaries with political and social themes. It was founded in
Berlin in 2003 and later replicated in Warsaw, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and Bogota, where it has been held since 2011.
Its objective is to generate scenarios of denunciation, dialogue, awareness, and analysis of reality based on the themes established for each version. Thus, it proposes
transforming established cultural, social, and economic models. For them, we resort to the documentary without a hierarchy of formats, media, qualities, or academic or
industrial validations.

About this version
In this version of the festival, we want to focus on utopias that inspire us to continue resisting the capitalist system of exploitation and domination. Therefore, we are interested
in hopeful audiovisual proposals of living and active struggles and propose the following sub-themes:
Nature in resistance:
Proposals that leave behind the anthropocentric paradigm and focus on different ecologies, organisms, and living systems and their ways of adapting to change through
strategies such as succession, regeneration, retaking, and creating relationships with other forms of life, among others. This theme also includes documentaries that present
other ways in which people relate to their living environment and, in doing so, refuse to participate in the destruction and instrumentalization of life that capitalism promotes.
Collectivities in resistance:
Documentaries that portray the strategies of self-organization, action, cooperation, and creation of networks and communities of collectivities that oppose the various forms of
oppression from places outside the state and its institutions, thereby building paths towards a freer and more supportive world.
Technologies in resistance:
We understand technology as a set of tools, techniques, skills, abilities, knowledge, and processes. From this perspective, we invite documentary proposals that portray
experiences where technology is part of collective or community processes that create autonomy, degrees of freedom, and other/new ways of relating between ecosystems.

EXPANDED INFORMATION: www.globalebogota.wordpress.com / Facebook.com/festivalglobalebogota / globalebogota@gmail.com / @globalebogota

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Asian Film Festival. Barcelona

30 Aug 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films


Asian Film Festival. Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Specializing in Asian films, Asian Film Festival. Barcelona is the gateway to Asian cinema in Spain. Asian Film Festival. Barcelona aims to bring the high quality narrative art of the Asian continent to the Spanish public, making it a place of gathering and dialogue of multiple cultures.

The Asian Film Festival. Barcelona (AFFB) took over in 2010 as Asian Film Festival of Barcelona (BAFF), which was closed in its twelfth edition despite the public requests and expectations to maintain the continuity of this event. Since then, the AFFB has proposed to provide the best recently produced Asian films and prominent Spanish productions related to Asia. As a specialist in Asian cinema festival, it aims to become one of the best events in this field of the world in Europe and the meeting point of other festivals that have a clear Asian mark. In the 2011 and 2015 editions of the Casa Asia Film Week (CAFW) it has received support from the audience and the collaboration of numerous agencies and institutions. The festival held in 2016 was named Casa Asia Film Festival and since 2017 it is called Asian Film Festival. Barcelona.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of 9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia

15 Jun 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 9no Festival Internacional De Cine Ambiental De La Patagonia

9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

Patagonia Eco Film Fest, calls filmmakers from all over the world to participate in the 9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia which will take place in Puerto Madryn city, Chubut, Argentina from September 5-10, 2024.

The festival will accept documentary, fiction, animation films, about environmental issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


29 Jun 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Ciudad de México, Mexico

FERATUM FILM FESTIVAL, tiene como objetivo abrir un espacio de exhibición, difusión y producción a películas de terror, fantasía, ciencia ficción y sub géneros afines, filmes mexicanos, iberoamericanos y de todo el mundo.
FERATUM, es un punto de encuentro entre creadores de la industria cinematográfica del cine fantástico y una plataforma para el lanzamiento de nuevos creadores.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of KORTERRAZA short film festival

11 May 2018

Published: 16 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Korterraza Festival de cortos al aire libre

KORTERRAZA short film festival

Vitoria, Spain

Short and outdoor terrace. This is what is proposed Korterraza, a festival of short films that celebrate its fourteenth edition of July 04 to 06, 2024 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and throughout the summer, the tenth edition of Korterraza Araba.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento

01 Jun 2018

Published: 15 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento

BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento

Benevento, Italy

The National Film and Television Festival, the only Kermesse in Italy to combine the two macro-themes of communication, manages to connect, in a simple and direct way, but at the same time, criticism and analytics, themes and communication structures that accompany and sometimes affect the lives of everyone. Through stories, meetings, debates, screenings, shows, exhibitions and concerts, the greatest artists of the small and big screen are told captured by the emotion generated by the "climate" of magic that only the world of cinema and TV can give to a passionate audience of spectators.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Westfield International Film Festival

10 Jul 2018

Published: 15 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Westfield International Film Festival

Westfield International Film Festival

Westfield, United States

Big Dreams & Silver Screens presents the 7th Annual Westfield International Film Festival, (formerly Rahway International Film Festival)!

We offer a four day weekend with feature films, short films, seminars, Q&A's, parties and more! All of this in a gorgeous MANSION in Westfield, NJ. We look forward to treating you at the James Ward Mansion this year.


Our mission is to provide an opportunity for artists worldwide to showcase works that educate, and inspire equality, empathy and awareness through film.

We believe that film can reach the mind and soul in ways nothing else can. For this reason, we present films that strive to promote equality, champion the oppressed and promote open-mindedness. We also offer seminars and workshops intended to engage and educate aspiring filmmakers and on-camera talent.

Our intent is to call attention to and encourage the artistic endeavors of women and minorities, whose work is often overlooked, and in so doing, fully advocate for equality.

We are committed to enhancing the creative community in the Tri-State area and providing a platform for both local and international storytellers to not only share their work but enjoy a place to forge new relationships for collaboration.


Westfield International Film Festival (a Big Dreams and Silver Screens production) is a non-profit international film festival first established in Rahway, New Jersey, U.S.A, only 40 minutes away from New York City. It was first held in June of 2013 in an effort to create a warm and welcoming home for independent filmmakers and fans of film in the Tri-State Area. We annually showcase short films, feature films and music videos while offering networking and workshop opportunities to those interested in the film industry.

As a women-led film festival in a primarily male-dominated film industry and in keeping with our mission of equality, we seek to present an equal ratio of films created by male and female filmmakers (Director/Writer/Producer/DP) from around the world. We also present the annual “Woman in Film Award” to honor and celebrate women in the film industry who exemplify our definition of success.

We are glad to be a part of the bustling downtown district of Westfield, NJ - one of the "happiest cities in New Jersey" - where we call The James Ward Mansion home. It is a unique, beautiful, and glamorous space in which we are happy to honor our hard-working filmmakers whom we feel deserve the full red-carpet treatment.

Big Dreams and Silver Screens is currently awaiting its 501c3 Non-Profit Status from the State of NJ. WIFF is a Big Dreams and Silver Screens production.

To learn more about Westfield International Film Festival, visit us here: www.westfieldfilmfest.com.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Music Video