Logo of Los Angeles CineFest

30 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 04 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles, United States

Los Angeles CineFest ist eine monatliche internationale Online-und jährliche Veranstaltung. Jeden Monat beobachten die Spezialisten der Filmindustrie in Los Angeles und stimmen für das Beste des Festivals in jeder Kategorie. Darüber hinaus können Online-Publikum auch abstimmen. Sie stimmen für Best of Audience.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental

Logo of New York City Improv Video Festival

31 Mar 2016

Veröffentlicht: 03 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner New York City Improv Video Festival

New York City Improv Video Festival

New York, United States

The NYC Improv Video Festival (NYCIVF) will be held May 7, 2016, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA as part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016.

Improv is the art of creating something from nothing - it is the act of walking on stage with only your wits and the clothes on your back, and somehow pulling a show out of thin air. But the sparsity of the improv stage belies just how much the performers are actually working with - a positive, can-do attitude, an openness to collaboration and connecting with the audience, the willingness to try anything for a laugh, and of course, a deep, abiding commitment to the philosophy of "Yes, and." With such an abundance of skills and support at one's disposal, who needs a script?

Do you have a great video of your brilliant Improv Group? Well we want to see! The NYC Improv Video Festival will be part of a series of festivals taking place from April 27 to May 8, 2016. We will also offer the opportunity for the Improv Groups whose videos are accepted to the festival to perform live. Fun is guaranteed for all!

Join us for the 1st Annual NYC Improv Video Festival and become part of a new tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from NYCIVF@cierimedia.com.

We vastly prefer online submissions. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST SIX (6) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by April 15, 2016 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.

Internationales Festival



Logo of New York City Animation/Anime Short Film Fest

31 Mar 2016

Veröffentlicht: 03 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner New York City Animation/Anime Short Film Fest

New York City Animation/Anime Short Film Fest

New York, United States

The NYC Animation/Anime Short Fest (NYCAASF) will be held Marc 25, 2018, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA.

**** This is a short film festival, only for films 20 minutes or less in length!! We will NOT be screening any films longer then 20 minutes in length!!!!****

Animation is a fantastic, creative medium capable of bringing a storyteller’s inner visual world to life and sharing it with audiences everywhere. As the capabilities of computer-generated imagery continue to increase, there are fewer and fewer limitations as to what can be created on the screen.

Anime means "animation" in Japanese. However, in English the word Anime is often used to describe the very distinct style of Japanese animation. In some ways, Anime can be used to explore the everyday lives and fears of young people more effectively than Western Animation.

Join us for the 3rd Annual Animation/Anime Short Fest and become part of a new tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from NYCAASFF@cierimedia.com.

We vastly prefer online submissions. If you are submitting with DVD it MUST be formatted as NTSC Region 0 or 1. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the end of March. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.) If you are coming to the festival and want to be a part of a panel during the festivities we need to know by March 15, 2018 so we can make arrangements regarding the number and size of panels, etc.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Animation  Fantastisch

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

31 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 03 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere

Logo of ShortPole London International Film Festival

31 Dec 2015

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner ShortPole London International Film Festival

ShortPole London International Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Don't forget to check our film platform that has been upgraded in order to provide you with even a greater experience:



Stay Tuned - 2016 AUTUMN OFFICIAL SELECTION - To be announced in Early November!

ShortPole London International Film Festival is an online based film festival, headquartered in the heart of the United Kingdom.

The festival runs in 4 quarters, selections being made every 3 months.

The entry deadline for our next selection will be September 31st and the winners will be announced by the end of October 2016.

There will be 20 categories and Best Film will receive the London GoldenEye Trophy, a Professional Review from our jury board and a cash prize which will be set depending on the number of entries.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of United Latino International Film Festival

08 May 2016

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner United Latino International Film Festival

United Latino International Film Festival

Cleveland, United States

Abzweigung vom Indie Gathering International Film Festival kommt das United Latino Film Festival. Das Indie Gathering begann 1996, und durch all unsere Jahre, in denen wir Filmeinreichungen angenommen haben, haben wir die herausragende Qualität spanischsprachiger Filme und die größere Nachfrage nach einem lateinamerikanischen Filmfestival erkannt. Das United Latino Film Festival gibt es, um die spanische/lateinische unabhängige Filmemacher zu präsentieren. Unsere Mission ist es, Filmemacher durch ein wettbewerbsfähiges Schaufenster unabhängiger Features, Dokumentationen, Kurzfilme und Musikvideos zu fördern. Filmemacher nehmen an ihren Vorführungen teil und sprechen nach den Filmen mit Zuschauern, die einen genaueren Einblick in den kreativen Prozess suchen.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of Torino Underground Cinefest

05 Jan 2016

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Torino Underground Cinefest

Torino Underground Cinefest

Turin, Italy

► offizielle imdb-Liste

Willkommen zurück zur 10. Ausgabe!

Für ihre 10. Ausgabe wird die Festivalveranstaltung zehn Tage dauern, um mehr Zeit für Einblicke mit den Autoren zu bieten.

TUC_10 wird an einem sehr wichtigen Ort für das Turiner „Kino“ -Universum stattfinden, das sich im Herzen der Stadt befindet, im wunderbaren Cinema Baretti.

Geldpreise werden für den besten Spielfilm, den besten Kurzfilm und den besten Dokumentarfilm vergeben. Außerdem werden Sonderpreise vergeben an: bester Regisseur, bester Schauspieler, beste Schauspielerin, beste Kameramann, beste Redakteurin und beste Sounddesignerin. Es wird ein Publikumspreis und Erwähnungen von unseren Medienpartnern vergeben.

Das Festival setzt auf die Hilfe von Medienpartnerschaften und Kulturpartnern in der Region.

„Es ist offensichtlich, dass Kunst niemandem etwas beibringen kann, da die Menschheit in viertausend Jahren überhaupt nichts gelernt hat.“
― Andrei Tarkowski

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental

Logo of 12 Months Film Festival

31 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner 12 Months Film Festival

12 Months Film Festival

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The 12 Months Film Festival (#12MFF) is farrest challenging film festival available which attracts, displays and awards filmmakers from six continents. Our finest selection system brings the benefits of a quality qualification in the #12MFF and also come with surprise awards where qualify all selected entries. #12MFF was designed to award you amazing prizes. Moreover, we will do our best in working with your needs in order for your talent and dedication to be appreciated by the public.
Together we build a global audience!



Entries requirements:
-> All films must have been made in or after 2012 and have English subtitles (unless English is the main language spoken); A creation date does not apply in case of the screen writings from being stopped for submissions, but the submitted must be in English or have a copy translated in English;
-> We accept shorts, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, web and new media, commercials (all specified previously under 45 minutes); feature films and feature documentaries (any length, 45 + minutes);
->A description between 50 and 150 words;
->Trailer (not required for movies under 7 minutes; optional) and the film must be submitted as an on-line screener (Vimeo preferred) which may be embedded on the website for visitors to see your creation; you can further opt for modifications in your entry;
->Cover of the film/screen writing or a defining photo;

We also offer the following services:
Film review; Film improvement support; Trailer for your movie; Web-design and coding; Complete graphic-design. Proceed here: http://12mff.com/services/

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of aniFest

15 Mar 2016

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner aniFest


Danbury, United States

Animation! Animation! Animation!

So many great, short, computer animations produced by students and others that it makes the mind almost explode. AniFest is an opportunity for these beautiful short works, especially from students, to shine in the light of day in glorious Danbury, CT, USA.

Internationales Festival



Logo of BFI Future Film Festival

16 Nov 2015

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner BFI Future Film Festival

BFI Future Film Festival

London , United Kingdom

9th BFI Future Film Festival for YOUNG PEOPLE AGES 15-25 at BFI Southbank in London (17-21st February 2016).

We’re currently open for submissions for young filmmakers to submit a short film (up to 10 minutes) to be considered for inclusion in the Festival.

Entrants may submit as many films as they like for FREE!


Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of International Animation Festival Chilemonos

08 Jan 2016

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Festival Internacional de Animación Chilemonos

International Animation Festival Chilemonos

Santiago, Chile

Organized by CHILEMONOS Foundation, the Festival is the biggest one of Chile and includes exhibitions, Master Class, Conference and Workshops of renown international guests.

We are a young festival, which just had its fifth version this 2016. During the last years we were presenting shortfilms and movies around the world, as well doing school, professional, videoclip contests, etc.

In our first edition in 2012 we had as featured guests the Bly Sky Studios director Carlos Saldanha, the strata-cut animator David Daniels, the animator and storyboard artists Ryan Woodward, the experimental animator Miwa Metreyek, the Belgian animation school La Cambre and more guests from the region.

During our second edition, in 2013, we counted with the presence of representatives from Gobelins, the animation studios Platige Image and SE-MA-FOR from Poland, as well featured guests such as the visual artist Motomichi Nakamura, the recognize anime director Shinichiro Watanabe, the sand animator Caroline Leaf, the recognize animated industry expert Becky Bristow and the Academic Awarded for Pixar’s Brave, Brenda Chapman.

The International Animation Festival Chilemonos will be held for the sixth consecutive year in Santiago, Chile. This celebration will begin in May 09th through May 14th, with six days dedicated to animation.


Internationales Festival




Logo of Festival International du Film d'Aubagne

01 Dec 2015

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Festival International Du Film D'aubagne

Festival International du Film d'Aubagne

Aubagne, France

The Festival International du Film d’Aubagne, organized by the ALCIME association, is dedicated to the promotion of young cinematographic creation and music composition for film.

Its main axes are to favor the emergence of young international talents, to be a place of training and creation for young authors such as directors, scriptwriters and composers. Highlighting cultural diversity is our axiom.

The FIFA naturally became a place of showing where the curiosity of the public is awakened, seduced by the cinematographic variety and encounters with guests of honor.

It also offers a platform for artists from image and sound, a place of sensitization and training, enabling reinforced cooperation.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Experimental

Logo of The Indie Gathering International Film Festival

08 May 2016

Veröffentlicht: 02 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner The Indie Gathering International Film Festival

The Indie Gathering International Film Festival

Cleveland, United States

Jedes Jahr im August treffen sich Filmemacher aus der ganzen Welt zum Indie Gathering International Film Festival. Das Indie Gathering ist mehr als nur ein Filmfestival - es ist ein Ort, an dem sich Filmemacher mit dem Publikum für ein großartiges Wochenende treffen können!

Wir sind die Alternative für Independent-, Underground- und Experimentalfilm und Video. Das „Indie“ Gathering Film Festival dient dazu, den unabhängigen Filmemacher zu präsentieren.

Unsere Mission ist es, Filmemacher durch ein wettbewerbsorientiertes Schaufenster zu inspirieren und zu ermutigen.

Filmemacher nehmen an ihren Vorführungen teil und sprechen nach den Filmen mit Zuschauern, die einen genaueren Einblick in den kreativen Prozess suchen.

Mit Wettbewerben für Filme, Drehbücher, Filmmusik, Spezial-FX-Make-up und Schauspiel/Monolog hat The Indie Gathering einen Platz für alle! Das Wochenende besteht aus drei Vorführräumen, einem Tagungs-/Verkäuferraum, Filmseminare/Vorträgen, Wettbewerben, Networking-Partys und vielem mehr! Wenn Sie an irgendeinem Aspekt des Filmemachens beteiligt sind oder daran interessiert sind, ist dieses Festival genau das Richtige für Sie.

Zuvor vom MovieMaker Magazine zu einem der 25 besten Filmfestivals zum besten Fest für Networking gewählt!

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of Sueños de cine International Film Festival

15 May 2016

Veröffentlicht: 01 Oct 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Sueños de cine

Sueños de cine International Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

“Sueños de Cine” es un festival de cine organizado por el blog “Sueños de un espectador”.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere

Logo of Direct Monthly Online Film Festival

30 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 01 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Direct Monthly Online Film Festival

Direct Monthly Online Film Festival

Online, United States

DMOFF is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DMOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival

30 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 01 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival

Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival

Online, United States

Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival hosts monthly 'Online International Short and Documentary Film Festivals'. We, at Direct Short and Documentary Film Festival , aim at bringing out the best short films, Documentary, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website.

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of Direct Short Online Film Festival

28 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 01 Oct 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Direct Short Online Film Festival

Direct Short Online Film Festival

Online, United States

DSOFF is an International, Independent online event for all Short, Documentary, Feature, Music Video and Web Series. Goal of DSOFF is to Provide homes to group of young and vibrant film enthusiasts who are committed in creating spaces for independent cinema and devoted to spreading of the knowledge of the modern visual art form to all interested. We, at DSOFFest aim at bringing out the best Short, Documentary, Feature, Music video and web series from around the globe and to present it all on one single platform which is our website

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

29 Oct 2015

Veröffentlicht: 30 Sep 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

Glasgow, United Kingdom

In Publikationen wie Vox, Medium oder Backstage erwähnt, wurde TMFF von ShortFilm Connection als „wahrscheinlich berühmtestes Filmfestival im Internet“ bezeichnet. Mit bisher fast 3500 SELECTED FILMS und Zehntausenden von Website-Besuchen pro Monat hoffen wir, dass Sie sich durch TMFF mit Ihrem Projekt abheben und die Reichweite erhalten, die Sie brauchen und verdienen! Neben einer IMDB-Qualifikationsveranstaltung wird jede offizielle Auswahl automatisch in unsere umfangreiche FILMSAMMLUNG aufgenommen: https://tmff.net/collection/

Monat für Monat entscheiden unsere Richter (die alle in der Filmindustrie arbeiten), wer die TMFF-Nominierten und Gewinner sind. Wir haben bisher über 13.000 Projekte erhalten, über 80 monatliche Ausgaben gehalten und über 800 Filme aus der ganzen Welt ausgezeichnet!

❗ UND BEDENKEN SIE DIES: Wir werden die Vollversion Ihres Films nicht auf unsere Website stellen, wenn Sie dies nicht möchten. EIN TRAILER REICHT AUS.

❓ Häufig gestellte Fragen: https://tmff.net/faq/

Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental  Musik-Video

Logo of El Festivalico Short film and Videoart festival

01 Nov 2015

Veröffentlicht: 30 Sep 2015
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren

Banner El Festivalico Muestra de Cortometrajes y Videarte

El Festivalico Short film and Videoart festival

Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain

Das Festivalico ist ein nicht wettbewerbsorientiertes Showcase für Videokunst und Kurzfilm.

Internationales Festival


 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental

Logo of Cardiff Independent Film Festival

08 Jan 2016

Veröffentlicht: 30 Sep 2015
 Hat Einsende-Gebühren

Banner Cardiff Independent Film Festival

Cardiff Independent Film Festival

Cardiff , United Kingdom

The Cardiff Independent Film Festival will be held over the 5th to 7th May 2017 in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. This will be our third festival, following highly successful events beginning in 2014. We're a fun, friendly and open festival run by film-lovers that celebrates the best in independent cinema and adheres to the highest ethical standards.

We're non-profit, which means ALL of the submission fees go into the running of the festival. And we are truly independent - we don't take public or corporate money so the films we pick are our favourites.

We also attract big-name guests: CIFF2015 saw talks by Stephen Frears and Paul Andrew Williams and the great John Boorman present the Welsh premiere of his final feature Queen and Country. We may be small but we punch above our weight.

We will be screening five feature films, ten short films and five short animations in competition and there will be out-of-competition screenings for other films of significant merit.


Internationales Festival



 Fiktion  Dokumentarfilm  Animation  Fantastisch  Terror  Andere  Experimental