Logo of 11º Fest Clip - Festival  Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

19 Aug 2022

Published: 14 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 11º Fest Clip - Festival  Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

11º Fest Clip - Festival Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

Santa Gertrudes, Brazil


Short film festival

 Music Video

Logo of XVIII Cine del Mar International Film Festival (Punta del Este, Uruguay)

05 Jun 2023

Published: 14 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cine Del Mar 18 (Punta Del Este, Uruguay)

XVIII Cine del Mar International Film Festival (Punta del Este, Uruguay)

Punta del Este, Uruguay

This cultural proposal takes place within the framework of the commemoration of a new anniversary of Punta del Este, celebrating the best independent cinema from around the world. It began as a Mercosur cinema and grew to become an international festival. Cine del Mar has been declared of Presidential Interest and is sponsored and supported by the Ministry of Tourism, the Municipality of Maldonado, the Municipality of Punta del Este, the Ministry of Education and Culture through ACAU (Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Association), and the embassies of the participating countries.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of I Concurso Cortos 2 Minutos ’Atcore’ Euskadi

23 Sep 2022

Published: 14 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner I Concurso Cortos 2 Minutos ’Atcore’ Euskadi

I Concurso Cortos 2 Minutos ’Atcore’ Euskadi

Bilbao, Spain

La Asociación de personas enfermas y trasplantadas de corazón y pulmón de Euskadi “Atcore” nace en 1996 con el objeto de sensibilizar a la sociedad a favor de la donación de órganos y atender a personas enfermas y trasplantadas, así como a sus familiares. De esta forma, hemos conseguido que en Euskadi tengamos una red que nos ayude a poder dar voz y visibilizar el tema de la donación.
Entendemos que cuando alguien nos habla de donaciones de órganos, éstas van asociadas directamente con accidentes, defunciones, etc… Sin embargo, nosotros queremos lanzar una reflexión. Esta es que para muchas familias las donaciones son regalos de tiempo, regalos de vida de personas que por muy diferentes casuísticas no van a poder seguir utilizándolos. Regalos que son el mayor reflejo de la solidaridad humana.
En una sociedad como la nuestra en la que la solidaridad se ve en cualquier rincón (Banco de alimentos, asociaciones de carácter social de todo tipo, grupos de autoayuda, etc…), la pandemia sanitaria que hemos vivido durante dos años: dos largos años, nos ha dejado muy tocados a todas y todos y, sobre todo, ha dejado aparcadas muchas de las realidades sociales y de salud que seguimos sufriendo.
En esta sociedad de la que hablábamos, abierta cada día más a la información a través de Internet y de las redes sociales, somos conscientes que las campañas de sensibilización pro-donación de órganos; es decir, a favor de estas realidades sociosanitarias, deben tener reflejo en las redes. Y por qué no decirlo, acercarnos a través de ellas a un colectivo que bien no utiliza otro sistema de comunicación o recepción de información, o bien no se ha parado a reflexionar sobre este tema: las personas jóvenes.
Parece que la donación de órganos es cuestión de “personas mayores”. Pues según el Registro Mundial de trasplantes, la fuente más veraz a nivel mundial, el estado español sigue manteniendo el timón al frente de la Unión Europea en cuanto a donaciones. Actualmente hay más de cien mil personas esperando una donación, entre ellos muchos jóvenes y niños.
Está analizado que cada persona que dona puede salvar 8 vidas y mejorar más de cincuenta. Y este es el punto de partida de este concurso. La idea es que podáis plasmar, a través de las imágenes, a través de un corto de menos de 2 minutos, una historia que nos hable de solidaridad, de regalo, de volver a comenzar, de esperanza. Un alegato inequívoco a favor de la donación de órganos. Porque donar es regalar vida.

Gaixoen eta bihotz eta biriketako transplantatuen Euskadiko Elkartea, Atcore, 1996an sortu zen, gizartea organoak ematearen alde sentsibilizatzeko eta gaixorik eta transplantatuta dauden pertsonak eta haien senideak artatzeko. Horrela, Euskadin sare bat izatea lortu dugu, ahotsa ematen eta dohaintzaren gaia ikusarazten lagunduko diguna.
Ulertzen dugu norbaitek organo-emateei buruz hitz egiten digunean, horiek istripuekin, heriotzekin eta abarrekin lotura zuzena dutela. Guk, ordea, hausnarketa bat egin nahi dugu. Izan ere, familia askorentzat dohaintzak denbora-opariak dira, pertsonen bizitza-opariak, eta, hainbat kasuistika direla medio, ezingo dituzte erabiltzen jarraitu. Giza elkartasunaren isla handiena diren opariak.
Gurea bezalako gizarte batean, zeinetan elkartasuna edozein txokotan ikusten den (elikagaien bankua, mota guztietako gizarte-elkarteak, autolaguntza-taldeak, etab.), bi urtez bizi izan dugun osasun-pandemiak: bi urte luzez, oso ukituta utzi gaitu guztiok, eta, batez ere, bazter utzi ditu jasaten jarraitzen dugun gizarte- eta osasun-errealitate asko.
Hitz egiten ari ginen gizarte honetan, gero eta gehiago Internet eta sare sozialen bidezko informaziora irekita, jakin badakigu organoak ematearen aldeko sentsibilizazio-kanpainek, hau da, errealitate soziosanitario horien aldeko kanpainek, isla izan behar dutela sareetan. Eta zergatik ez esan, horien bidez beste komunikazio-sistemarik edo informazioa jasotzeko sistemarik erabiltzen ez duen kolektibo batengana hurbiltzea, edo gai horri buruz hausnartzen gelditu ez den kolektibo batengana hurbiltzea: gazteengana.
Badirudi organoak ematea adineko pertsonen kontua dela. Izan ere, Transplanteen Munduko Erregistroaren arabera (mundu mailako iturririk egiazkoena), Espainiako estatuak lema izaten jarraitzen du Europar Batasuneko buru, dohaintzei dagokienez. Gaur egun ehun mila pertsona baino gehiago daude dohaintza baten zain, horien artean gazte eta haur asko.
Aztertzen ari gara dohaintza egiten duen pertsona bakoitzak 8 bizitza salba ditzakeela eta berrogeita hamar baino gehiago hobetu. Eta hau da lehiaketa honen abiapuntua. 2 minutu baino gutxiagoko film labur baten bidez, irudien bidez, elkartasunaz, opariaz, berriz hasteaz, itxaropenaz hitz egingo digun istorio bat islatu ahal izatea da asmoa. Organoak ematearen aldeko alegatu argia. Dohaintza bizitza oparitzea delako.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of ZAbrinsky Festival Internacional de Cine

25 Sep 2022

Published: 14 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner ZAbrinsky Festival Internacional de Cine

ZAbrinsky Festival Internacional de Cine

Mosquera, Colombia

The ZAFIC Festival 2024 call will have 5 lines of development that will be called "Capsules", which will be aimed at 5 different industries with the objective of articulating Cinematography and audiovisual, with new creators and cultural managers.

The capsules that will be developed in the call are:

1. Cinematographic capsule.
2. Musical capsule.
3. Literary capsule.
4. gastronomic capsule.
5. Dance capsule.

Similarly, different categories detail in each capsule that detail diverse interests, genres and creation formats, as well as their requirements and who can take part.

These projects can come from any country or region, and must be originally developed, subtitled or folded to the Spanish language.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Quinto, Spain

The theme of the contest is death understood as the end of life. The works must reflect death from the perspective of the authorship of the works.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Iquique International Film Festival

31 Aug 2022

Published: 12 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Iquique

Iquique International Film Festival

Iquique, Chile

In 2024, the Iquique International Film Festival (Ficiqq) will celebrate its 15th anniversary. Ficiqq is a unique event in the Tarapacá region that is financed on this occasion by the 2024 Audiovisual Development Fund, and is sponsored by SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal and produced by Volcánica Films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti

12 Sep 2022

Published: 12 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti

Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti

Cipolletti, Argentina

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


07 Oct 2022

Published: 12 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Certamen Nacional De Largometrajes Ópera Prima - FICAL (Festival de cine de Almería)


Almería, Spain

National feauture films competition only

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Sound and Music Film Festival Makedonska 21

31 Aug 2022

Published: 12 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sound and Music Film Festival Makedonska 21

Sound and Music Film Festival Makedonska 21

Belgrade, Serbia

Sound and Music Film Festival Makedonska 21 is taking place in an old Belgrade building dating back to early 20tth century (1928), which is situated on Makedonska 21 street. This was the building of the strongest workers union at the time, founded to promote highly respected values of mutual respect and solidarity. After the Second World War the premises were used by Radio Belgrade as the location of Studio 10, which was the home of most significant radio dramas and music records. This place was responsible for introducing the art of sound to Belgrade listeners and making it an essential part of their cultural heritage, proving itself to be of an immeasurable artistic, cultural, and social significance.

Today, the building is a blend of residential and commercial units. Relying on the building’s rich history, their residents decided to give something in return and contribute to its tradition by starting a film festival that celebrates the art of film music and sound design.

The festival is intended to be a professional networking platform for anyone coming from these fields –film composers, sound designers, sound recordist, music producers, musicians, music bands, to name a few, in order to give them the opportunity to explore, learn, exchange their knowledge and unite ideas.

The festival welcomes films of all categories – documentary films, short fiction films, experimental films, animated films, of all genres, as long as they are commited to creative use of their soundscape.

The bulding premises alow this event to spread its sound magic on various stages simoultaneously – from the monumental hall with great acoustics, and music store Metropolis located on the ground floor, all the way to the roof top, where people can enjoy films and live music over drinks under the vast Belgrade sky.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Gijon International Film Festival

10 Sep 2022

Published: 12 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Gijon International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Gijón / Xixón

Gijon International Film Festival

Gijón, Spain

GIJÓN/XIXÓN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (FICX) aims to showcase a wide and varied selection of auteur cinema currently being produced worldwide and especially focused on innovative films and emerging filmmakers. High quality, personal, young in its shape, edgy and independent cinema at a creative level. During its selection process, the Festival will prioritise those works of interest that have their World, International, European or Spanish premiere at FICX as well as those that do not have commercial distribution agreements in the Spanish territory.

Acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association)


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Arthouse Asia

15 Dec 2022

Published: 11 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Arthouse Asia

Arthouse Asia

Kolkata, India

Watch festival trailer 20202 Arthouse Asia Film Festival.
>> *https://youtu.be/uZz_cCyRHeU*

Arthouse Asia is an annual breeding space of independent filmmakers. Over the years independent filmmaking has changed a lot, the Asian independent filmmaking market is increasing steadily. The Past has taught us "United we stand, divide we fall".

Arthouse Asia is an effort to unite worldwide independent filmmakers in a single platform. We know the path is not an easy way but we believe independent filmmaking is the true way of practicing art through filmmaking medium. The studio system is a money generating system, it does not allow experimentation as it always tends to follow the already established monetary model.

So we believe independent filmmaking is the future of filmmaking.

7th Arthouse Asia Film Festival will bigger and better.

This year we are looking for fictions, documentary, animation, VR films, video arts, short films and full-length films. Every selected submission will be eligible for "Golden Wood Award" which will be presented at the conclusion of the festival.

The event will be happening at the "Niranjan Sadan". The home of arthouse films.

The filmmakers and cinephiles will experience eventful two days in the mid-May. There will be coffee table discussions, Meet the media sessions and post-screening discussion sessions along with dinner parties.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

08 May 2023

Published: 11 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

Melbourne, Australia


Vivienne Westwood, King Crimson, Tendechi Trucks, Penelope Spheeris, Jason Mamoa, Rosario Dawson, Mel Brooks, Frank Miller, Mike Mignola, Guillermo Del Toro, Paton Oswalt, Nichola Meyer, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Banksy, Octavia Spencer, Liza Minelli, Marlee Matlin and that's just the 7th edition. Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is an indie festival providing support and encouragement and helping propel filmmakers onto Netflix, SBS, ABC through their own talents, hard work and determination!

The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is a popular and beloved institution. We have grown over the last 7 years to become an important and essential Australian film festival, showcasing the world's best and most innovative cutting-edge documentaries. If accepted, you are guaranteed to be part of an incredible, world class line up. The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is a forerunner event in July before Melbourne's premier event Melbourne International Film Festival which starts in August. Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is Australia's biggest indie doco fest - 150 + documentaries over 31 days. We are currently recruiting for local Melbourne, Australian, and International Feature Documentary, Short Documentary, Documentary Web Series, Video Essays, Documentary Photography, VR and Interactive Documentaries to compete in our Australian Documentary Awards held during our July 2022 festival.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is a festival where you and your documentary are the star of our festival! Thousands of people attend each year online, in-cinema and outdoors.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival has a community feeling about it and genuinely cares about the filmmakers and their documentaries with alumni helping out with judging and masterclasses.

We Support:
Australian, BLM, Indigenous, Women in Film, LGBTIQ, Diversity, Disabled Filmmakers, Equality, Refugees, Environmental Issues and Freedom of Speech.

We are against:
Asian Hate, Racism, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Ageism, Sexism, Bullying, Fascism, xenophobia, Inequality and Discrimination.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has:

- Premiered over 700 + documentaries in Australia
- 4 x Best in the World Documentary Film Festival - Film Daily
- 1 x Best in the Southern Hemisphere Documentary Film Festival - GuideDoc
- In 2020 we created the Southern Hemisphere's biggest online documentary film festival with over 150 documentaries showcased
- Australia's first competitive documentary film festival to go online

In short, over the course of the past 7 years, Melbourne Documentary Film Festival has become established as a rare treasure in the crowded and increasingly homogenous festival scene, without remaining in the slipstream.

What We Are Looking For:
Ideally, we want to see your locally and internationally produced Feature, Short, VR documentaries, Video Essays and Documentary Web Series to showcase in our competition in Melbourne, Australia in 2022. All countries, all ages, all abilities, all genres of documentary are encouraged to apply and can be considered.

The Hottest Postcode:
Melbourne, Australia has consistently been voted one of the worlds happiest and most liveable cities. Our competition represents a great opportunity and reason to visit Australia. In 2019 we had 41 guests to our festival from overseas and across Australia. This was made possible through a combination of the festival paying for the filmmakers to attend, filmmakers paying for themselves to attend, consulates, embassies and film commissions paying for filmmakers to attend and people crowd funding to attend. The festival is a great networking opportunity.

The Toughest Competition:
Go head-to-head in Melbourne, Australia and test your mettle with the world’s best, and most prestigious documentary film schools and film festivals such as Tribecca, Sundance, Sydney Film Festival, TIFF, Venice Film Festival, American Documentary Film Festival, Raindance, Slamdance, Sheffield Doc Fest, Hot Docs, New Zealand International Film Festival, Traverse City Film Festival Doc NYC, SXSW, CPH:Dox, IDFA, and many more. You're in it to win it.

Make it Australian: The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is an encouraging and supportive platform for local filmmakers. We commit to playing at least 45% Australian content in our 2021 fest to support the local industry. Screen Australia, Film Victoria, Create NSW, Screen West, Screen QLD, Screen NT, Screen Tasmania, Documentary Australia Foundation, AIDC, and Goodpitch Australia productions are encouraged to apply. MDFF wants to have the very best Australian competition drawing from local industry and indie talent. SBS, NITV and ABC productions are also eligible to apply to compete, provided that the production submitted contains new material and is effectively a director’s cut.

The Coolest Cinemas:
Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is currently part of the Cinema Nova family of festivals including Transitions Film Festival, Melbourne Queer Festival, Monster Fest. Cinema Nova is one of Australia's best cinemas and is the southern hemispheres largest independent cinema with 16 screens in inner city Melbourne and one of the coolest cocktail bars around. Cinema Nova is the go-to-venue to premiere documentaries down under including exclusive Australian premieres like the Sparks Brothers, Billie Holiday VS USA. All feature, shorts, video essays and documentary web series in competition will be played in DCP on a 4k projector at 24 FPS in Dolby surround sound. The cinema's we will be utilizing for the competition will be 147 to 240 seat capacity. All Q&A's will be conducted by a Film Critics Circle of Australia or Australian Film Critics Association member. We even have curated cocktails at the cinema bar and unmissable parties and networking events.

The Best Festival:
MDFF premieres, screens and showcases more quality local Australian and International documentaries each year than any other documentary only film festival in Australia and gives more talented Indie Filmmakers a chance to compete and screen to a big, receptive audience in Melbourne, Australia. The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival is consistently featured on SBS, ABC, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, Time Out, Concrete Playground, and Weekend Notes and had additional short documentaries featured in Federation Square.
The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival presents a unique opportunity and supportive platform to showcase YOUR documentary Down Under in one of the coolest and most liveable cities in the world - Melbourne, Australia. We are looking for exclusive World, Australian or Melbourne premieres. for feature documentaries to showcase in our competition. Let our 45 media partners, and publicist get behind and help promote YOU and YOUR project Down Under and get just the right momentum and exposure behind your project launch in Australia.

In Short:
The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival aims to feature the freshest and most innovative documentaries from around the world, from short docs right through to feature length, award winning films. The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival looks to promote the best quality independent and industry documentaries cinema has to offer.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Showcases The Best Entries From the Best Festivals Going Head-To-Head in Melbourne Australia Like:
American Documentary Film Festival, Big Sky Film Festival, Cannes, CPH:DOX, Doxa, Full Frame, Hot Docs, IDA, IDFA, Slamdance, Sundance, SXSW, Sydney Film Festival, The New York Film Festival, RIDM, Harlem International Film Festival, DocAviv, ImagineNative, Shanghai International Film Festival, The Muslim Film Festival, TIFF, Tribecca, Venice, Hot Springs Doc Fest, Telluride Film Festival, Tokyo Docs, AFI Docs, Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, Rotterdam International Film Festival, Doc N Roll, and Cork International Film Festival.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Showcases Top Submissions from Top Organisations:
ESPN, Time Magazine, HBO, The Atlantic, Story Hive, Loading Docs, Australian Cultural Fund, Environmental Victoria, Creative Victoria, Regional Arts Victoria, Australia Rise Fund, BFI, Kartequinn, National Geographic, Screen Australia, Film Victoria, Screen West, Screen Tasmania, Screen Ireland, Doc Society, CBC, BBC, NL Film Fonds, NFB, IDA, Documentary Australia Foundation, Wild Angle Tasmania, AIDC and NITV.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Seen Massive Ongoing Success and Distribution For Filmmakers:
Netflix, Apple +, Amazon, Stan, SBS, ABC, NITV, Waterbear, The New York Times, The New Yorker, MTV Films, Foxtel, Redbull TV, National Geographic, iWonder, Docplay, The Guardian Documentary Channel, Films for Change, Rialto Channel.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Been Featured In:
Channel 9, Channel 10, The Project, ABC, SBS, NITV, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Triple RRR, PBS, Time Out, Broadsheet, Concrete Playground, 3CR, Kiss FM, 60 Minutes, Film Daily, Weekend Notes, IF Magazine, Vimooz, The Australian, Movie Metropolis, Screen Hub, Arts Hub, The Daily Telegraph, Radio National, 3WBC, Plenty Valley FM, 2SER, Filmink, Flicks, and The Conversation.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Showcased Project From Top Australian Talent:
Warwick Thornton, Jack Thompson, Bruce Beresford, Rachel Griffiths, Olivia Newton-John, Cate Blanchett, Tommy Emmanuel, Jack Charles, Kutcha Edwards, Tom Zubrycki & Pat Fiske.

Previous Masterclass Topics Include:
History of New Zealand documentary a personal journey with Costa Botes, Asian documentary with Nick Torrens, VOD and distributions with Beama Films, crowdfunding for documentary with Pozible, Self-Distribution with Fanforce, Making the Great Australian Music Documentary, Making a Personal Documentary, Making LGBTIQ and Aboriginal Documentaries, Experimental Documentary, Documentary Filmmakers and Mental Health, Mobile Phone Filmmaking for Documentary Filmmaking.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Has Had Submissions Involving Some of the World's Top Directors & Big Stars Like:
Peter Medak, Werner Herzog, Oliver Stone, Leonardo Di Caprio, Bruce Beresford, Richard Linklater, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Lawrence Kasdan, James Cameron, Errol Morris, Barbara Kopple, Anjelica Huston, Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone, Cynthia Nixon and Joan Baez.

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival Showcases The Best Music Docos from Men at Work, Tommy Emmanuel, Placebo, Grace Jones, The Sonics, Agnostic Front, George Michael, Van Duran, Terry Pendergrass, Ronnie Wood, the Velvet Underground, Strange Tenants, Head Like a Hole, The Swans, The Beatles, Jonny Greenwood and Beverley Glenn-Copeland.

Melbourne, Australia Most Anticipated Festival

The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival team looks forward to bringing you a diverse, challenging slate of documentaries that will entertain, educate and inform you. So let’s make some Melbourne film history together!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of 2024 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

18 Aug 2022

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2024 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

Banner 2024 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

2024 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

Barcelona, Spain

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 2024 Arff Berlin // International Awards

08 Sep 2022

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2024 Arff Berlin // International Awards

Banner 2024 Arff Berlin // International Awards

2024 Arff Berlin // International Awards

Berlin, Germany

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Corti A Ponte - Festival Internazionale Di Cortometraggi

Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival

Ponte San Nicolò, Italy

Corti a Ponte is a great little festival in the Venice area.

Films are screened in Italian or in original language with Italian or English subtitles in front of an audience from 3 to 99 year old.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of 42èmes Rencontres du cinéma latino-américain - Pessac - Longs-métrages

30 Nov 2022

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Promotional card of 42èmes Rencontres du cinéma latino-américain - Pessac - Longs-métrages

Banner 42èmes Rencontres Du Cinéma Latino-américain - Pessac - Long-métrages

42èmes Rencontres du cinéma latino-américain - Pessac - Longs-métrages

Bordeaux, France

The festival "Rencontres du cinéma latino américain" organized by France Amérique Latine Comité Bordeaux Gironde is 42 years old.
The missions developed since the creation of this event are:

- To make the Latin American continent known: its cultures, its struggles, its peculiarities...
- To increase the visibility of little-known works.
- To share the political and artistic visions of Latin American countries.
The feature film program is divided into two categories: films in competition and those not participating in the competition. Depending on the year, the film committee reserves the right to add a category to the selection.

The film committee will decide the dates and times of the screenings of each film.

This information will be published on the website:


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of San Luis Potosì International Film Festival (Mexican Cortos Fest)

30 Oct 2022

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de San Luis Potosí

San Luis Potosì International Film Festival (Mexican Cortos Fest)

San Luis Potosí, Mexico



International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Reels international flim festival

20 Jan 2023

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Reels international flim festival

Reels international flim festival


Film Education and Welfare Foundation Aurangabad Present, 4th Year,
Reels International Film Festival uses media platform as a tool to connect audiences across cities, countries, and continents. With simultaneous screenings (OFFLINE FESTIVALS) and live Q&A’s, audiences are given the chance to experience a film festival from miles away. From the peak of Everest to the penguins of Antarctica, #RIFF brings the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres together. Because the love for cinema stretches beyond borders.
#RIFF2021 established from pride of India, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. City of ancient 68th century Mughal Empires now beat with #DigitalIndia in 2024 providing wide platform for students to professionals - preview their films on International Stage to prove themselves.
We conduct our Film festival from 17 April 2024 - 23 March 2025 every season with grand arrangements with respected jury board from different continent to judge your films and make Q&A session. Take a step and drop your films on our platform and make your self best.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Ananse Afro Film Festival

30 Aug 2022

Published: 10 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de cine afro Ananse

Ananse Afro Film Festival

Cali, Colombia

The International Afro Film Festival "Ananse" aims to make visible the cultural and social aspects about the black population. Working as part of a circuit that allows alternative movement be made known to new filmmakers to make videos about the Afro-descendants in the entire world.

"Ananse" is the first festival that invites filmmakers around the country the possibility to create spaces visible productions representing the views of the black communities.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of AURA Film Festival

10 Aug 2023

Published: 09 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner AURA Film Festival

AURA Film Festival

Sochi, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar Russian Federation, Russia

The word AURA has two meanings: it’s the atmosphere and the wind blowing. The name of the film festival was inspired by both of these definitions. Our film festival is an atmosphere of creativity, celebration and art. A whiff of wind is the wind of change and the point of films, as well as the wind from the seas, near which the cities of film screenings are located (the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Sea of Azov).

The screening sessions of the films of the film festival are held in three cities at once. In the south it is Sochi and Rostov-on-Don, and in the Northwest it is the cultural city of St. Petersburg. Film screenings take place in cultural and youth centers, both indoors and outdoors.

We screen both fiction films, documentaries and animated films, as well as social videos from around the world. In addition, there is a competition of posters and photo projects.

Viewers of different ages attend our film festival. After the screenings, there is a discussion with the creators and organizers of the festival.

On the last day of the film festival, an award ceremony will be held, where statuettes, diplomas and gifts from partners will be presented to the winners of the film festival.

AURA Film Festival is a review competition of films received evaluation by the Selection Committee.

The Festival’s aim is to support cinematographers and to contribute to the development and promotion of film industries.

The film festival focuses on a variety of themes and genres.

It is a strong advocate for social change, and encourages cultural diversity and understanding between nations.

We are also including and actively supporting not only the finest examples of classic moviemaking, but works that are experimental, breaking ground in new non-narrative forms and crossing over into the video arts. All films will be reviewed as they are submitted, and the best in each category will be chosen to screen at the festival. Semi-finalist films will not be screened but will receive our festival laurels.

The final decision on the inclusion of the film in the Festival competition program is made by the Selection Committee which reserves the right not to explain the reason for the refusal and not to give any comment.

The winners are chosen by the organizing committee of the film festival.

The winners receive valuable prizes from sponsors and partners, laurels and diplomas.

You can only send an application for entry through the platform festhome.com The final decision on the inclusion of the film in the Festival competition program is made by the Selection Committee which reserves the right not to explain the reason for the refusal and not to give any comment.

The winners are chosen by the organizing committee of the film festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video