Logo of Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

30 Sep 2018

Published: 23 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

Delhi, India


Welcome to the World Of Cinema at Director International Film Carnival (DIFC), one of the few International Film and Awards Carnival with aim to Encourage, Promote and Provide a platform to all ages Budding and Professional film-makers all around the world with recognition for their film-making career and achivements. The Carnival seeks to nurture and showcase ability as well as the art of film-making which encompasses aspects of the arts, culture, history, crafts, geography, cuisine & lifestyle in short what make us what we are. The Director International Film Carnival’s Film and Screenings are selected and hosted by Filmmakers, Professors, and other notable figures in the world of Cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Animation Film Festival for Youth

24 Jun 2018

Published: 23 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival du Film d’Animation pour la Jeunesse

Animation Film Festival for Youth

Bourg-en-Bresse, France

The animation film festival for youth of Bourg en Bresse (France) does exist since 1982 and program animation film of different countries. Feature and short films. Some shorts films are in a competition section.


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of LECYT - Festival Cine y Televisión Reino de León

12 Mar 2018

Published: 23 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LECYT - Festival Cine Y Televisión Reino De León

LECYT - Festival Cine y Televisión Reino de León

León, Spain

The eighth edition of the Kingdom of León Film and Television Festival, hereinafter LECYT, will take place in the city of León, in the month of July 2021.

LECYT, is a project created and organized by the Leonesa Seventh Art Association. And thanks to which it contributes to the development and dissemination of cinematographic culture in the city of León, on an annual basis.

All the films that are registered in the call for the 8th edition of LECYT will first be reviewed, to see if they meet the requirements that we establish in the bases.

If this first filter is passed, they will be viewed and / or analyzed by the Selection Committee, made up of a joint team of professionals and specialists in the world of audiovisual arts, cinema and audiovisual production. And in which the Festival management is also represented.

The official headquarters of LECYT is located at:

La sede oficial de LECYT está ubicada en:
C/ La Rúa,17, C.P 24003 León
Tel. 987 09 64 86
E-mail:coordinacion@festivalcineytvleon.com Web oficial:www.festivalcineytvleon.com


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Basta fest

10 Apr 2018

Published: 23 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bašta fest

Basta fest

Bajina Bašta, Serbia

Bašta Fest is an international short fiction film festival held in Bajina Bašta, Western Serbia. It is an annual event that is taking place during the first weekend of July and it lasts for four days. Due to the profession of the founders (actors Jovan Jelisavčić and Maja Šuša), the festival's main point of interest is a collaboration between directors and actors. We believe that focusing on the quality of that joint artistic effort will have a positive impact on the positioning of Bašta Fest among short film festivals. Bašta Fest is of great importance for the decentralization of culture since it has brought diverse film, music and off program to this beautiful region. One of the priorities of the festival is to promote the incredible natural beauty to a large number of visitors. Nevertheless, our primary goal is to convert this festival into an exciting cultural oasis, which supports local and international young artists, putting emphasis on short fiction films with authenticity. The main selection is a competition short film program, while two films are screened as a part of non-competition, special program every year - one during the opening and one during the closing ceremony. The last to be screened is a Serbian debut feature film, chosen by Bašta fest team as the most successful one in the previous year. The entrance to all screenings at Bašta is free of charge, while they are always being held under the open night skies. There are currently two official festival locations: Borići park and lake Perućac.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Lunigiana Cinema Festival

28 Feb 2018

Published: 22 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Lunigiana Cinema Festival

Lunigiana Cinema Festival

Fivizzano, Italy

Lunigiana Film Festival is a festival dedicate to shortfilms that takes place in the "Città Nobile of Fivizzano", an ancient village in Tuscany on the Via Francigena.

The festival is divided into three categories: - Free theme - Environmental theme - Human rigts

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Bioethics Prize For Audiovisual Projects

31 May 2018

Published: 22 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Premio Audiovisual Sobre Bioética

Bioethics Prize For Audiovisual Projects

Barcelona, Spain

The Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation awards this prize to an audiovisual project, with the winning entry receiving 5000 euros to support the production of the finished work.

The prize aims to promote education, discussion and analysis of bioethical issues with a social impact, through work aimed at a general audience.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Lusca Film Fest

15 Aug 2018

Published: 22 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lusca Film Fest

Lusca Film Fest

San Juan, United States

LUSCA Film Fest (former Puerto Rico Horror Film Fest.) is one of Latin America’s premier fantastic film festival. LUSCA is open to the public. Accredited national and international press, as well as TV and film buyers and distributors also participate.

In addition to showcasing the best genre films that indie moviemaking has to offer, this exotic fest also features a number of special events, including an exposition of Bizarre Artwork exhibition, Cosplay Contests, Cinema Arcade and Musical Events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

24 Jun 2018

Published: 22 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Agrigento, Italy

Sicilymovie – Agrigento Film Festival is a festival of feature films, short film, documentaries, videoclip, spot and animation shorts, created and organized by the Southmovie Association, which was created with the aim of bringing outdoor cinema for everyone to the heart of Sicily: the evocative Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, a city named Italian Capital of Culture 2025. The themes addressed in the works of directors from all over the world are multiple and educational.

The ninth edition of Sicilymovie is aimed at the best productions and distributions of short films and documentaries in the world who will compete for the Golden Demetra, the representative statuette of the Festival which recalls ancient Greece, cultural symbol of ancient Akragas, the city of Agrigento.
The project is supported and sponsored by the Valle dei Templi Archaeological and Landscape Park of Agrigento, the Municipality of Agrigento, the Sicily Film Commission and the Tourism Department of the Sicily Region. The Valle dei Templi Archaeological and Landscape Park is about 1300 hectares wide and here belong the remains of the ancient city of Akragas and the surrounding area up to the sea. The Valley of the Temples was declared a "World Heritage Site" by Unesco in 1997. Today the Valley of the Temples has more than one million visitors a year.


Sicilymovie - Agrigento Film Festival will take place from 18 to 21 July 2024 at the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento

The deadline for the call will be 2024, May 31 at 23:59

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Hall of Light

31 Mar 2018

Published: 22 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Salón Internacional De La Luz

International Hall of Light

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

SALÓN INTERNACIONAL DE LA LUZ® Volumen XI Mayo 12-17 de 2020
El Salón Internacional de La Luz, Volumen XI, tendrá lugar en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, del 12 al 17 de mayo de 2020. Este año estará dedicado a establecer las relaciones entre la pintura y la luz, y su aporte a la creación fotográfica y cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz cumple 11 años dedicados a la imagen, a la creación con la luz y a la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Tendrá películas en competencia en las categorías de largometrajes ficción y documental, cortometraje ficción y documental, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental en cine, película preservada, realidad virtual y trabajo universitario entre otras categorías, donde se premiará exclusivamente el área de Dirección de Fotografía.
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz® comprende los siguientes apartados:
1.1. Pueden participar obras audiovisuales de cualquier nacionalidad, producidas con fecha posterior o igual a enero 01 de 2018.
1.2. Las categorías de la presente convocatoria son:
1.2.1. Largometraje Ficción (Duración mínima de 70 minutos).
1.2.2 Largometraje Documental. (Duración mínima 60 minutos).
1.2.3. Cortometraje Ficción ( Duración mínima de cinco minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.4. Cortometraje Documental. ( Duración mínima de quince minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.5. Video Clip.
1.2.6. Spot publicitario.
1.2.7. Obra experimental (Género libre y formato de captura exclusivamente: Cine súper 8mm, cine 16 mm, cine 35mm, cine Súper 35 mm y Cine 65mm, o mezcla de soportes, y con duración no superior a 30 minutos).
1.2.8. Película restaurada de cualquier época (Género y duración libre).
1.2.9. Trabajo de escuela o Universidad de cine, medios audiovisuales o afines (en los géneros de ficción y documental con una duración no inferior a 1 minuto, ni superior a 50 minutos).
1.2.10. Serie o película para televisión (realizadas exclusivamente para canales de televisión u otras pantallas diferentes a las salas de cine), de cualquier temática y duración.
1.2.11. Obras de VR (Virtual reality-Realidad virtual) de cualquier temática y duración.
1.3. Se premiará exclusivamente el área de dirección de fotografía.
1-4- Todas las obras para su selección, deben presentarse con subtítulos en español exclusivamente, si este no es su idioma original.
1.5. La inscripción de las obras (película, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental o trabajo de escuela de cine) deberá realizarse a través del sitio web del Salón, www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com, enviar enlace para preselección a salondelaluz@gmail.com o en las plataformas habilitadas (www.festhome.com), hasta del 21 de marzo de 2020.
1.6. Los interesados deben llenar el formulario de inscripción que aparece en el sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, con toda la información requerida, incluida la ficha bio-filmográfica del participante.
No se aceptarán solicitudes de inscripción incompletas y sin firma. Este formulario se debe enviar antes de la fecha de cierre al correo electrónico: salondelaluz@gmail.com
1.6. La inscripción de una obra se acompañará además, de materiales de prensa y publicidad tales como: stills, press kits y tráileres. La copia de selección contendrá exclusivamente la grabación de la obra inscrita. Se recomienda que el remitente verifique la correcta reproducción de la copia de selección antes de enviarla al Salón. La imposibilidad de visualizar el contenido de una copia de selección, o que esté defectuosa, invalida automáticamente la inscripción de la obra en el SalónInternacional de La Luz®. Las copias de selección no serán devueltas, y pasarán formar parte del archivo del Salón Internacional de La Luz®
Las películas en idiomas diferentes al español, deberán tener obligatoriamente subtítulos en español, de no ser así, no se tendrán en cuenta para la selección final.
1.7. El jurado en cada categoría estará compuesto por reconocidos profesionales del sector cinematográfico, y sus nombres se darán a conocer el día de la inauguración del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1.8. Las características de los premios para cada categoría se informarán durante el transcurso del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1. Las copias para exhibición de las obras seleccionadas por el Salón Internacional de La Luz® , deberán enviarse antes del 15 de abril de 2020.
2. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, sólo podrá exhibir las obras que participen en la Sección Oficial en alguno de los siguientes formatos:
• Cine 35 mm y 16 mm, DCP, Archivo de Datos, BluRay, LTO 6 o 7.
3. Los costos de envío de las copias desde el lugar de expedición corren por cuenta de quien inscribe la obra.
4. Por disposición de las autoridades de aduana, los materiales inscritos entrarán en el país bajo el régimen de importación temporal.
5. El seguro contratado por el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, cubre los riesgos de incendio, pérdida, robo, daño y destrucción de la copia para el período comprendido entre la llegada al Salón y su retorno a la dirección indicada por quien haya inscrito la copia.
6. En caso de pérdida o deterioro imputable, la indemnización por parte del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se limitará al costo real de la reproducción de la copia. El plazo máximo para efectuar cualquier reclamación será de dos (2) meses a partir de la fecha de devolución.
1. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se reserva el derecho de seleccionar las obras que participan en la Sección Oficial y de establecer el orden y la fecha de exhibición de cada película. Una vez que la aceptación de una obra haya sido comunicada por el Comité de Selección al autor, productor u otra parte interesada que la haya inscrito, y esta haya manifestado su conformidad al respecto, dicha obra no podrá ser retirada antes de su proyección en el certamen.
2. La inscripción supone la plena aceptación del presente Reglamento. Para mayor información o consulta dirigirse al sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
3. Toda la correspondencia relacionada con el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, debe dirigirse a:
Salón Internacional de La Luz®
P: (57) 3194957408
salondelaluz@gmail.com saloninternacionaldelaluz@gmail.com
Sitio web: www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com

Durante el Salón Internacional de La Luz se llevarán a cabo una serie de conferencias en torno a la imagen y a la dirección de fotografía, con la participación de reconocidos invitados nacionales e internacionales. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero se requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
El SIL®, ofrece un programa de actividades destinado a los profesionales de la dirección de fotografía, la post producción y todo lo relacionado con la creación de la imagen. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Adicionalmente se dedicará esta edición, a explorar la relación entre la luz y la pintura y su influencia en la fotografía y cinematografía.
5- LABORATORIO DE LA LUZ® Continuamos con el proceso de formación permanente, con seminarios y talleres especializados en la creación con La Luz. Informes en: laboratoriodelaluz@saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
6- Otras actividades: InLight Magazine®, Tienda de La Luz®, Conversatorio de La Luz®, Café de La Luz® Presentación y venta de libros y revistas especializadas, insumos fotográficos y cinematográficos, exposiciones y conciertos. Lanzamiento especial de la revista y portal web especializado en la luz: In Light Magazine®.
7- ADFC LAB Presentaciones, talleres y conferencias de la Asociación de Directores de Fotografía Cinematográfica de Colombia ADFC.

Email: salondelaluz@gmail.com
P: (57) 3194957408 . Bogotá-Colombia.
Evento registrado: Zer01Digital® Media Lab
SIL® está asociado en ANAFE y registrado ante el SIREC.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Message To Man

31 May 2018

Published: 22 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Message To Man

Message To Man

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The 34th Message to Man International Festival of documentary, short live-action, animated, and experimental films is scheduled to take place from 18 to 27 October 2024 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

With its history spanning three decades of cinema development, Message to Man was founded in 1989 in Leningrad by filmmaker Mikhail Litvyakov, who now serves as the Honorary President of the Festival.

In 2010, Alexei Uchitel, a renowned director of documentaries and feature films, assumed the role of the Festival's President.

Over the years, the Festival has hosted distinguished figures of world cinema, including Werner Herzog, Ulrich Seidl, Claude Lanzmann, Isabelle Huppert, Fanny Ardant, Agnès Varda, Mira Nair, Paolo Sorrentino, Alan Berliner, Eric Roberts, Jonathan Rosenbaum, Abdellatif Kechiche, Udo Kier, and many others.

The Festival programme revolves around three competitions: international, national, and experimental, providing a platform for both full-length and short films to vie for the Festival's Grand Prix. Message to Man consistently draws thousands of cinema enthusiasts to St. Petersburg each year.

In 2023, the Festival attracted over 10,000 spectators, and its competition and out-of-competition programmes featured around 200 films from across the globe.

“The Festival team was pleasantly surprised by the success of the last year's Message to Man. There is no need to state the obvious that we live in a challenging time, by all measures. Cinema has gained increased significance as a unifying language and as a way to reach out to one another.

We believe that was the reason why in 2023 the Festival attracted so many viewers. So, when people scrambled to get tickets for the screenings, it was, quite honestly, very heartwarming and important. This wasn't just about the sold-out tickets, but about solidarity.

It was equally important to bring together filmmakers from various countries: auteurs from Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Greece, India, Colombia, and Japan visited the Festival, emphasizing its global reach.

Therefore, the Message to Man Film Festival is pleased to announce a new competition in 2024. Our team firmly believes that good cinema is always an invitation to humanity,” says Mikhail Ratgauz, Programme Director of the Message to Man Film Festival.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Muestra de Cortometrajes Casa del Reloj

30 Apr 2018

Published: 21 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra de Cortometrajes Casa del Reloj

Muestra de Cortometrajes Casa del Reloj

Campos del Río, Spain

Muestra de Cortometrajes Casa del Reloj is an event that takes place in "Hospedería Casa del Reloj" of Campos del Río (Murcia), Spain, on May 18th, 2018. Is admitted any genre of short film, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Proceso de Error, International Festival of Experimental Video

10 Mar 2018

Published: 21 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Proceso de Error, Festival Internacional de Video Experimental

Proceso de Error, International Festival of Experimental Video

Valparaiso, Chile

We are a platform that’s seeking to internationally promote the research, production and distribution of experimental video.

“5° PROCESO DE ERROR”, Experimental International Video Festival is waiting with expectation your Works, will be a privilege for us to disseminate the power and creativity that for sure you will show us.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Zabut - International Animated Short Film Festival

15 Apr 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Zabut - International Animated Short Film Festival

Zabut - International Animated Short Film Festival

S. Teresa di Riva, Italy

Zabut Festival aims to have the ambition to achieve an international appeal, to propose a path of strong cultural innovation and to become a reference point for fans, insiders and audience of animation film.

Zabut shows special interest to the soundtracks of animation films and to “drawing” and aims to create an archive/museum of operas by directors, animators and designers selected by the Festival Committee.

Zabut was born in 2016 in the Savoca city center, a small Art heritage village in Sicily. In 2019, it moves to Santa Teresa di Riva.

Zabut is primarily an event that will connect space and community, people and places.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of XIII  International Festival of Short Films and Functional Diversity FicAndaina

16 Mar 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XIII Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Y Diversidad Funcional Ficandaina

XIII International Festival of Short Films and Functional Diversity FicAndaina

Redondela, Spain

Festival of short films related to functional diversity or featuring people with disabilities.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of 18th Angel Film Awards - Monaco International Film Festival

15 Oct 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 18th Angel Film Awards - Monaco International Film Festival

18th Angel Film Awards - Monaco International Film Festival

Monaco, Monaco

Welcome to the Angel Film Awards – Monaco International Film Festival and to be part of an amazing worldwide community celebration peace love and the art of making movies and a unique collaboration of multi-talented writers, film score composers and filmmakers, producers and musicians. The Angel Film Awards mission is to entertain, inform, inspire, encourage and educate. We honour those artists who, through their creative work, actively increase awareness, provide multiple viewpoints, address complex social issues, and strengthen ties between international audiences and the Angel Film Awards. A inspiring & intimate platform together with other writers, directors and producers in Monte Carlo to create new opportunities, develop tools for success and forge new alliances within the international film and entertainment industry.

The AFA has eight categories and many award genre. All shortlisted film & screenplay will be contacted in due time by the organizers of the AFA- MIFF.

The AFA selection committee is made up of acclaimed international industry professionals, directors, producers, cinematographers, screenplay writers, film journalists, actors, and the AFA founders. Votes cast decide the finalists and winners in all 8 categories.

Since its creation in 2003 the Angel Film Awards - MIFF is held in the Principality of Monaco. It is a non-profit making independent film festival, known as an elegant and glitzy affair. It has won recognition as 'a jewel in the crown' on the film festival circuit.

We welcome you to join this unique festival experience! All the best, Rosana and Dean Festival founders, creative director, producer

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Chicago International REEL Shorts Film Fest

31 Aug 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Chicago International REEL Shorts Film Fest

Chicago International REEL Shorts Film Fest

Chicago, United States

Due to the current pandemic, Festival show dates are TBD but we are aiming for an in person fest!



For well over a decade the ** Chicago International REEL Shorts Festival ** has provided FILMMAKERS from around the World the opportunity to showcase their work to REEL PEOPLE in the Chicagoland area.

They seek to provide a supportive atmosphere with low entry fees and low cost ticket prices.

With unique venues like the state of the art "Chicago Filmmakers Fire House Theater", Classic venues in Chicago’s Belmont Theater District or a basement screening at the World Famous "Mothers" where you can enjoy a local brew while you watch some of the Worlds best films.

We are all Shorts All the Time !!! No Features stealing your spotlight :)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Villa María del Triunfo y Lima Sur Film Festival

13 Apr 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cine De Villa María Del Triunfo Y Lima Sur

Villa María del Triunfo y Lima Sur Film Festival

Lima , Peru


The finalist short films will make up the competitive exhibition. This will be screened in the various screening spaces scheduled for this year's edition of the 2024 Festival.

As part of the festival's decentralized activities, this finalist screening may be programmed in audiovisual and cultural events organized or co-organized by the Cinco Minutos Cinco association.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


30 Sep 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Saint Mitre les Remparts, France


The SMR13 International Independent Film Festival is an annual, IMDb-certified, four (4)-day event held in the second half of November, in Saint-Mitre-Les-Remparts, in the south of France, near Marseille.

First and foremost, it's a physical festival, taking place in "La Manare", a dedicated performance hall with a total surface area of 1000m² and a capacity of 250 spectators.

The 9th edition of the SMR13 international independent film festival will take place from November XX to XX, 2024.

The festival stands out for its highly developed network, passionate members and trusted partnerships. It is a unique showcase for independent cinema, attracting professionals from all over the world.

Since its inception, the festival has been supported by a patron, an emblematic figure in independent cinema. John Carpenter (2018), director, screenwriter and composer (Halloween, The Thing, New York 1997...). Andréa Ferréol (2019), actress (La Grande Bouffe, Le Dernier Métro, La Scoumoune...). Francis Ford Coppola (2019), director and screenwriter (Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Dracula...). Virginie Lemoine (2020), actress (Famille d'Accueil, Nos années parallèles, Oscar...). Sean S. Cunningham (2021), director and producer (Friday The 13th, Spring Break, DeepStar Six...). Patrice Leconte (2022 and 2023), director and producer (Les Bronzés, Les Spécialistes, Maigret...).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


09 Oct 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Minidoc


Polán, Spain

The theme must focus, from the values ​​of solidarity, tolerance, culture of peace, nature and commitment to gender equality, on ways of life, traditions, trades, crafts, sustainable economy, respect for the environment and living beings, that is, all aspects of the diversity of human culture, with a specific section dealing with issues of the peoples of Siberia and Central Asia.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Certamen de Cortometrajes ’Live Action’

23 Feb 2018

Published: 20 Jan 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen De Cortometrajes ’Live Action’

Certamen de Cortometrajes ’Live Action’

Gijón, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental